
5 easy strategies on how to get 100 subscribers on YouTube fast

If you’re looking for how to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube fast you’ve come to the right place. In this post you’ll learn 5 tips on how to get 100 subscribers on YouTube fast.

Release content each week if you want to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube

Consistency is key in building anything and growing a YouTube following is no different. So the first step on how to get 100 subs on YouTube is to consistently release content each week.

You could certainly release content more often than that, some people even do videos daily, but you’ll want some sort of consistent schedule for releasing content.

If your audience has no idea when your videos are coming out, they are less likely to tune in. This means that having a consistent stream of new content coming out is important.

Doing this is an effective way how to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube.

Provide consistent value on your YouTube channel for how to get 100 subscribers on YouTube fast

The foundation of growth of any business or YouTube channel is going to be leading with value first. This will attract followers and help you build an audience.

There are 3 types of content you’ll want to create if you are looking to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube fast. Educational, inspirational and entertainment are the 3 major forms of content you should have on your channel.

When you lead with value that either educates, inspires, or entertains your target audience they will start to subscribe to your channel to see your content. Don’t worry if your channel doesn’t do all three of these as some types of channel that might not be the case, but the more you can put in the better.

Doing this is a great way how to get 100 subs on YouTube.

Set up your profile and branding as a way to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube

When people watch a video of yours one of the first things people do after is check out your main YouTube channel page. If your profile looks sloppy or isn’t even set up you’ll have a hard time getting your first 100 subscribers on YouTube.

You can start by having a few videos uploaded and then setting up your cover photos and website links. People want to know that you are going to be around for a while if they subscribe to you, so setting up your profile is a great foundation to start with.

You can make cool simple cover photos for free over on a site called It’s a tool I use all the time to make all sorts of social media marketing images and for personal branding. Looking professional is a great start for how to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube.

Post on other social media platforms to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube

Look at your YouTube channel like a business. If you started a new business you would probably tell you friends and family and people you know about it right?

Well it’s the same idea when it comes to building your YouTube channel. If no one knows you have a YouTube channel it’s going to be pretty hard to get your first 100 YouTube subscribers.

You should share your channel on your other social media platforms, so other people know about it. The more you can promote and spread the word, the better.

Look for places where your target market for your channel hangs out and share your videos there. For example you might be a gamer like me. If your videos were about gaming you could find Facebook groups where gamers hang out and share your content and videos there.

When your videos are educational, entertaining, or inspirational, people will watch them, so put them on social media where they can be found.

The best way how to get your first 100 YouTube subscribers fast is to ask people to subscribe in each video and have a call to action

This last tip may be a bit obvious, but a lot of people don’t actually do this. A call to action, or basically telling someone what to do, is a great way to get subscribers for your YouTube channel fast.

You can say things like, “If you enjoyed this video and want more tips and training on building a network marketing business subscribe.” Again just tell your audience how you help them, and if they want more of it to subscribe.

Your calls to action can be about anything really. Like your video, subscribe, visit your blog, comment below, etc. Including commands to your audience in your videos will go a log way to help you getting your first 100 YouTube subscribers and beyond.

Also if you are using looking to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube for video marketing purposes, you might want to check out this training on video marketing strategies.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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