Lead GenerationMarketing

5 step marketing strategy and marketing plan sample to market any business

Most people start a business and don’t have any sort of marketing strategy or marketing plan in place to grow their business. To maximize your success, you’ll have to have a marketing strategy in place that works. In this post you’ll learn a simple marketing plan sample you can apply to any business for lead generation and growing your business.

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1. Part one of your marketing plan sample: Determine how your business helps people and the unique benefits

Most people focus way too much on the features of their products rather than their benefits. People buy on benefits not on features.

So as the foundation of your marketing plan and marketing strategy, you need to first understand how your products and business helps people. People don’t care about how awesome your business features are, they care about how it is going to solve their problems.

This is why as a part of your marketing plan sample you’ll need to know how your business helps people and it’s benefits. Without this step the rest of the marketing plan template falls apart and doesn’t work.

2. How to create a marketing plan and marketing strategy that works? – Who is your target market

The next thing you’ll want to include in your marketing plan is figuring out who is your target market. Most people start their business and try and market to everyone.

When you market to everyone you actually market to no one. This is a crucial mistake business owners make all the time.

Certainly in any business you start, you’ll want to believe in  your products or what you offer. The problem is that most new business owners think that they can cater their businesses to everyone, rather than their actual target market.

You see this when people are over zealous and really over emphasize the features of their products and how amazing they are. Again your features are important, but contrary to popular belief they are a much smaller part of the sale than you think.

As the old example goes, when someone is looking at drills, they really need a hole, not the most amazing featured drill out there.

Focusing on features alone as your marketing strategy is like disregarding the hole your customer needs and only talking about how amazing your drill is.

So determine who your target market is, where they hang out and how you can help them, as this part of your marketing plan.

3. Your marketing strategy needs to lead with value and serving your target market

The third part of your simple marketing strategy and marketing plan sample, needs to revolve around providing value first before selling. All too often, most new business owners focus on selling the first second they meet someone rather than leading with value first.

All things being equal, most people do business with those that they know, like, and trust, and when you sell first you don’t have any of those. This is why your marketing plan needs to focus on value first and sales after.

So once you know your target market, it’s time to create content and value that helps solve their problems. As an example let’s say you market weight loss supplements.

You know that your target market probably has a hard time finding simple exercises they can do without spending hours in the gym. Knowing that, you can make different content that teaches them such exercises.

Again take your target market and think about what their goals are and then what are stumbling blocks that keep them from reaching those goals. That is the type of content you need to create as a part of your marketing strategy.

4. Your marketing strategy needs to have a way to capture leads and means of lead generation for your business

Another part people tend to leave out of their marketing plan is a way to generate leads from the people seeing their content. This is where you’ll want to build lead magnets and capture pages to secure leads from your target market. 

What is a lead magnet? It’s a type of content that you give away, usually for free, in exchange for someone’s information. Like a name, email, and or phone number.

So what should your lead magnets be about? Well you basically already figured that out in step 3 of your marketing strategy and marketing plan sample.

You simply take some of your value based content that solves your target market’s problems and you just put it behind a page that requires someone to put in their information to access it.

Now you have a super targeted lead for your business. The great thing about using these marketing strategies for lead generation is that you’ll have people that are in your target market, which you know you can help, that are becoming leads.

This transitions into the final step of your marketing plan.

5. Finally you sell to your audience as the last step of your marketing plan

The last step in your marketing strategy is to sell to your leads. The issue many new business owners run into is that they spend way too much time with the wrong people.

When your lead generation strategies are set up with this marketing plan you won’t have to worry about that. If your ideal target market is going through your content, then becoming a lead, you know they are the right people you should be talking to.

This is great because instead of advertising your business to everyone you are only talking to highly targeted people. Following this business strategy and marketing plan template you can get better results talking to less people.

If you’d like to set up the marketing tools and systems to carry out this plan, check out my free lead generation boot camp here!

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Mike MacDonald

Facebook: facebook.com/coachmikemacdonald

Email: [email protected]

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“I help coachable and teachable professionals become Financially Free and Live Full Time!  Helping you create a better tomorrow through a better you!”

P.S. If you aren’t generating leads for your business it’s because you don’t have a system in place to do it. CLICK HERE to set up the exact system I use to Rake In Quality Targeted Leads Daily

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