Network marketing tips

A few tips to improve your follow up while building your network marketing business

One of the most common things that people drop the ball on when building a network marketing business is follow up.

a-few-tips-to-improve-your-follow-up-while-building-your-network-marketing-business, following up, follow up in network marketing, building your network marketing buisness

If you don’t follow up with your prospects you are doing them a disservice

A lot of times people can feel weird about following up with their prospects or nervous of what will happen. In reality you are doing them a disservice if you don’t follow up with them.

If you showed them your business or services it was because they had some sort of need you could help them with. They expressed interest in seeing what you had to offer, and if you leave them hanging you are not being a professional.

Your job with follow up when building your network marketing business is to just collect a decision

When you follow up with a prospect in network marketing, it isn’t to try and further coerce them into joining your business, it should be just to get a definite decision. No one likes a drawn out maybe. It’s far less awkward on both parties if you either get a definite yes or a no.

Leaving things with a think about it does no one any good. If your prospect does give you one of those, either say you will follow up with them on x date, or ask them how long would it take for them to make a decision if they are in or out? 24 hours? 48 hours? Then simply follow up with them at the scheduled date.

Wishing you Health and Prosperity – Mike MacDonald


I would realistically look at building a successful network marketing business as a 3-5 year project to build a successful 10k a month income. Sure, some will get there faster, but the majority of people will take at least 3 years to be able to make that happen.  This means you will need to do “COLD MARKET RECRUITING” in addition to Warm Market Recruiting, AND you will need a high volume lead generating system or you won’t make it very far. Network Marketing is a numbers game, and without the Numbers and Leads you have no business. If you don’t already have a High Volume Lead Generating System for your business….


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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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P.S. If you Don’t Have a Team, Still haven’t Recruited anyone (or have less than 10 people on your team), This is the Course you Should Get 

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