
Are you due for a mental reset?

Mindset training on making a mindset shift and mental reset

Are you due for a mental reset, mindset training, mindset shift, mental shift, leadership training, leadership mindset training,

So many people have limited thinking when it comes to reaching their goals and they are over due for a mindset shift and mental reset. You should think of it like a video game, if you are losing and aren’t getting the results you want, just reset the game and start over. The game was designed to be won, and so is your life.

Stop comparing yourself to others and their success, if you are losing right now or not where you really want to be make the decision to take a mental reset and start over. If you are far behind or are very far away from achieving your goals just understand it’s like you are playing on hard mode in the game.

Some people have come from a different spot in their journey and it may seem like they shoot right to the top but it’s more likely that they have been playing the game a lot longer and have failed more that you have. So it seems like they are crushing you and it is the wrong perspective you should have. Make a mindset shift and decide to run your own race and play your own game.

A mental reset and mindset shift could make the difference for your results – Mindset Training

Look at other people’s success as a blueprint that those results can be achievable for you as well. Don’t let other people winning be a signal that you should quit let it be a signal that if other people are winning so can you.

The great thing about business is that anyone can learn the skill set to be successful, it’s not like a professional sport where you maybe need more specific physical capabilities to win, however even in that arena as well there are hundreds of success stories of people winning who “shouldn’t be” based on physical limitations, etc. so even in that area it’s more an excuse for not winning as well.

Overall focus your mindset training on the fact that if other people are winning so can you and make the derision to take a mental reset and mindset shift if you aren’t where you want to be at this point.

Wishing you Health and Prosperity – Mike MacDonald


I would realistically look at building a successful network marketing business as a 3-5 year project to build a successful full time income. Sure, some will get there faster, but the majority of people will take at least 3 years to be able to make that happen.  This means you will need to do “COLD MARKET RECRUITING” in addition to Warm Market Recruiting, AND you will need a high volume lead generating system or you won’t make it very far. Network Marketing is a numbers game, and without the Numbers and Leads you have no business. If you don’t already have a High Volume Lead Generating System for your business….


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Mike MacDonald

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PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For ONLINE Marketing Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Check out this Free Training

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