
Top 4 Business ideas from home that are businesses you can start today

Are you looking for business ideas from home you could start or businesses you can start today? Well in this post you’ll learn the top 4 business ideas from home that are businesses you can start today.

Simple Business ideas from home: Blogging

One very low cost business idea you can start form home is blogging. This simple business idea from home basically just needs a computer and internet access to get started.

There are free blogging platforms out there, but you should eventually get your own self hosted blog. The reason you want a self hosted blog is that you own it and control the content.

Some free blogging platforms can be OK to start with but, you forgo the part that you own it, which is a big deal. As for how to make money blogging, you can check out another post here where I walk through some strategies in depth.

With blogging you can create content that is about something you are passionate about and then offer something for sale that is congruent with your content.

For example if you were a cook, you could write blog posts with tips on cooking and then offer a recipe book for sale. Another option could be cooking tutorials as content, and then you sell meal options or prepped food.

This strategy really works for many niches, but all with the same principle. This makes blogging a great idea for businesses you can start from home and for businesses you can start today.

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Top businesses you can start from home: Affiliate Marketing

Another great business you can start today with little to no investment is affiliate marketing. This type of business you can build with your blog as well.

If you are new to affiliate marketing or would like to learn how to do it effectively through social media marketing, check out this free boot camp. Basically affiliate marketing is where you take someone else’s products or services and you promote them and when someone you refer that buys it, you’ll earn a commission.

This form of marketing others businesses ideas from home can be very lucrative and can also help you earn passive income on an ongoing basis. You can create many business and marketing systems to market your affiliate marketing business on a 24/7 basis, which can, overtime, create massive freedom in your life.

Looking for businesses ideas from home? Start Network Marketing

Similar to affiliate marketing, network marketing is another best business ideas from home that you can start with a low investment. Network marketing is where you sell a product or service, but can also teach and train a team of other sales reps to create leverage.

It is a very similar model to being a real estate broker, but instead of selling homes and training real estate agents, you sell whatever the company you join’s products are and build a team of independent distributors. This is another one of the top businesses you can start today because there is a built in system of success with most companies.

Often with network marketing you’ll have a sponsor who has more experience with building the business than you, and can help teach and train you how to build a successful business as well. Another benefit of this kind of business is that the company takes care of the product creation, shipping, and logistics end of things as well.

For a small investment you can create big business returns overtime. Plus with the leverage you can create with building a team, you can build a business that grows independently from you as well.

Best business ideas from home: YouTube Marketing

Youtube marketing is another simple business you can start today that is pretty much free as well. This business obviously isn’t going to happen overnight, like any business, but you can build up your content over time.

Eventually this content done well can build a following and you can sell products through your channel, promote affiliate marketing, network marketing, and even run ads on your videos to bring in income.

Other simple business ideas from home, like creating information products, are another thing you can promote and market through YouTube to bring in income. For example I typically work with home business owners, so I have courses for sale that teach sales skills, recruiting, prospecting, lead generation, and other training on how to build a successful business.

You can be an Amazon affiliate or promote businesses and more through YouTube marketing, which is why it’s one of the great businesses you can start today with little to no overheads!

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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“I help coachable and teachable professionals become Financially Free and Live Full Time!  Helping you create a better tomorrow through a better you!”

P.S. If you aren’t generating leads for your business it’s because you don’t have a system in place to do it. CLICK HERE to set up the exact system I use to Rake In Quality Targeted Leads Daily

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