Network marketing tips

You need to be investing in yourself: How investment equals savings

A hang up people sometimes have is that they are hesitant to invest in themselves, well investing in yourself is crucial to your success long term.

you-need-to-be-investing-in-yourself-how-investment-equals-savings, investing in yourself, how investment equals savings, how savings equals investment, saveings equals investment,

The great thing about investing in yourself is that it really is like putting money in a savings account

You are the only thing you always take with you. A lot of people spend thousands of dollars to attend college and schooling, with no guarantees, and don’t bat an eye.

However when it comes to investing in education, courses, books, coaches, to help create success in their business all of the sudden there’s no money to be found.

As my mentor Ray says, “wherever you go, there you are”. If you don’t possess the skills to become successful now, when do you think would be the best time to learn them.

How investment equals savings: Investing in yourself pays dividends for years to come

Do seminars cost money? Yes. Do books and audios cost money? Yes. Don’t complain about the cost of the shovel that allows you to dig up gold.

When you are investing in yourself you are improving your skills sharpening your sword for the future battles in life.

Don’t be cheap with yourself because your skills and abilities you learn can pay dividends for many years in the future.

Wishing you Health and Prosperity – Mike MacDonald


I would realistically look at building a successful network marketing business as a 3-5 year project to build a successful 10k a month income. Sure, some will get there faster, but the majority of people will take at least 3 years to be able to make that happen.  This means you will need to do “COLD MARKET RECRUITING” in addition to Warm Market Recruiting, AND you will need a high volume lead generating system or you won’t make it very far. Network Marketing is a numbers game, and without the Numbers and Leads you have no business. If you don’t already have a High Volume Lead Generating System for your business….


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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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“I help coachable and teachable professionals become Financially Free and Live Full Time!  Helping you create a better tomorrow through a better you!”

P.S. If you Don’t Have a Team, Still haven’t Recruited anyone (or have less than 10 people on your team), This is the Course you Should Get 

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