
5 Essential Rules for Attracting the Right Customers

Attracting the right customers to your business is essential for its survival. Not only will the right customers purchase from you, but they’ll also become loyal, life-long customers. Finding these customers isn’t necessarily an easy feat, but there are some rules you can apply to make sure you’re doing everything you can. Take a look at what all businesses should be doing to get the right customers.

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Know Your Audience To Attract The Right Customers

Many small business owners make the mistake of marketing their products to everyone and anyone who will listen. In one sense, it’s a great way to make sure you don’t miss out on an unexpected sale.

In another sense, it’s one of the top ways to waste a lot of money. Before you develop a marketing campaign, you need to identify who your audience are and what their lives look like.

When you have this information, it’ll be a lot easier to prepare your marketing strategy. So, to get the right customers, you need to know who your customers are likely to be.

Develop an understanding of their needs, wants, goals, questions, and problems. When you know this your content and offers will be much more likely to hit home and attract you new customers.

You may also want to check out my ebook on attraction marketing secrets below!

Use the Right SEO In Your Content To Attract The Right Customers

Once you know who you’re targeting, you’ll need to come up with a plan for how to target them. Search engine optimization is essential for all businesses these days.

The majority of people will go to a business or purchase a product because they’ve seen it online. You need to make yourself visible to those who would find your website via social media or sites like Google.

For instance, if someone were to search for ‘generators for sale’ they may find car sales websites or local selling pages. You need to research keywords that will work for your business.

When you do keyword research on your niche you can get some great insights on what your ideal customers are actually looking for. From there you can create content and offers based on what your customers are searching for.

Doing this will allow you to generate quality leads for your business because you are attracting the right traffic to your website. If you’d like to learn more about this process I’d recommend checking out my post on how to get traffic to your website for beginners and the video on the best keyword research tools below.

Build Your Authority

Attracting the right customers isn’t just about planning and execution. The right customers will want to know that you know what you’re doing and what you’re talking about.

Customers won’t be easily fooled so you’ll need to know your industry well if you intend on becoming an authority on the products you sell. The knowledge you build up will shine through your work and your content, so don’t be afraid to take your time becoming an expert.

Once you are an industry leader, people won’t mind paying extra for your products or subscribing to newsletters etc. Part of this process is marketing yourself effectively on social media. 

If you don’t have an audience on social media it can be hard for people to take you seriously online. The 3 step process to marketing your business effectively through social media is to build your audience, engage your audience and finally to sell to your audience.

This can be done on many platforms such as Instagram. If you’d like to learn more about becoming an expert and marketing your business through Instagram, check out this training to learn how to market your business effectively with Instagram.

Treat Customers Like Royalty

Make no mistake, your customers are watching how you treat them. Every customer wants to be valued and appreciated. If your customers are treated in the right way, you can almost guarantee they’ll be back for more.

Celebrate your customers by making them feel special. Give them first look at any sales items, provide them with discounts on new lines and send them birthday wishes via email. If your customers know you’re willing to put them first, they have no reason to go to a competitor.

Another option to reward your customers and bring in more business is by setting up an affiliate marketing program. This allows your existing customers to earn income from referring your business to new customers.

The best form of advertising can come directly from your existing happy customers. Giving them the extra incentive to earn income by referring your products.

When your customers are getting your products at a discount, for free, or even earning income from it why would they ever leave? If you’d like to learn more about keeping your customers around, check out my post on creating customer loyalty.

Say No

There will be clients and customers that aren’t worth your time. Perhaps it’s because the job is low paying, or the order is small. Some customers make a habit of hassling you for pure enjoyment. It’s okay to say no to people that don’t make your business profitable.

One thing that can really hold your business back is just spending too much time with the wrong people. Understanding who your ideal client and customer are, can help you focus on who you should spend your time with.

Implement these strategies to start attracting the right customers to your business!

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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P.S. Want to ATTRACT MORE LEADS & MAKE MORE SALES in YOUR Business? Download My FREE 37-Page E-Book Exposes The ‘Marketing Framework’ To Attract A Never-Ending Flood of BUYERS for ANY Business FastGET INSTANT ACCESS HERE

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