internet marketingMarketing

Digital marketing methods and techniques to make money online

The different kinds of digital marketing methods and techniques you can use to make more money can almost be unlimited. With so many options to choose from, it could be hard to know where to start. In this post I’ll cover some of my top suggestions on how to make money with digital marketing.

Digital marketing methods and techniques to make more money – Create an Ebook

One great way to start making money online or for generating leads for business is through making an ebook. It’s one of the simplest digital marketing methods and techniques you can start using.

Take whatever your business is and come up with some topic that solves your target markets pain points.  You could also create an ebook that helps them avoid a common problem. Or you could even make an ebook that helps them reach their goals faster.

Whatever the case is, making an ebook is a simple digital marketing strategy you can use to grow your business and make more money.  You could write an e-book on Microsoft Word and simply save it as a PDF. And now you have an ebook.

There are various platforms where you can market your ebook. Either on your own site, through social media, or even on Amazon. If you wrote a shorter ebook you could use it as a lead magnet, or maybe sell it as a small-info product.

Often people will use an ebook as one of their digital marketing methods and techniques for a tripwire product. If you’d like to learn how to create your first ebook check out this free training. 

Make a small tripwire product as an online marketing method

If you’re not familiar with it, a tripwire product is a product you offer after someone becomes a lead.  Typically you sell this product for around $7 to $15. You could even use an ebook as one of these products.

The best way to utilize a tripwire product is to offer a more in-depth product or course in relation to whatever kind of lead magnet you use to generate the lead.  

For example, you might be in health and wellness and offer a 10-day eating plan guide for weight loss. This is a perfect ebook to use as your lead magnet. Since you’re free give away is about weight loss, your trip wire product maybe a $15 video series. It could be 10 workout videos, one for each day of the diet plan.

In this example your tripwire product is congruent with your free lead magnet. Most likely if someone found value in the lead magnet, there’s a good chance they might want to buy your trip wire products as well.

The idea is to keep it very low cost to your potential customer. Obviously you still want to include a ton of value in this product and over-deliver on your end. At the same time, in your potential customers mind they see it as worst case scenario they’re out $15.

Not really a big deal or the end of the world for someone if it did end up to be a bad product, is what most people think. Using this strategy can help sort your leads, as well as bring an extra income.

This is one of the best digital marketing methods and techniques bring in more money for your business.

Create an info product courses for upsells as a great way to make money online

An more in-depth version of a tripwire product is a full-blown info product course.  There are a variety of ways to do this at little to no cost to yourself, besides time.

Some common forms of info product courses you can create are things like an audio training, video series, teleconference series, exclusive groups, among other things.

My two favorite versions of this are probably the audio training or video series options.  As with both of these can be created for free and distributed very easily to new buyers with an email autoresponder.

You can actually combine this form of info product as an up-sell with your trip wire product.  You might typically sell your info product course for a few hundred dollars. A strategy to bring in more sales is you could offer it at a big discount after someone buys your initial tripwire product.

The reason for this is once someone buys something once, they’re much more likely to buy something else on top of it.   Think of the fast food worker asking you if you want fries with that. It’s a simple up-sell technique, that works very well.

Do a product launch for your information product courses

Another one of the best digital marketing methods and techniques to make more money, is doing a product launch of your courses.

Think of a product launch like a movie premiere event.  You can take the same sort of excitement of the event and combine it with your product launch you bring an even more money or your business.

There’s a really great book called Launch by Jeff Walker that goes in depth of how to set up this type of product launch step by step.  I highly recommend checking out this book as I’m just going to scratch the surface in this post.

You can actually pick up a copy of launch over on Amazon here.

What’s really cool about this online marketing method is that you can actually have your potential customers create their ideal info product for you.  Basically start the process of developing your product with taking a survey of your audience.

You find out basically their two biggest problems with a specific area that your business can help with. Once you know that, you can create a info product course designed to solve their problems.

When you have your audience help you create your product, they have a vested interest in it. When this happens the likelihood they will buy it goes up even more.  

This is why doing a product launch is one of the best digital marketing methods and techniques to make more money in your business.

Start using sales funnels to make money online

To set up all of online marketing systems I mentioned above, you are going to need to have a sales funnel system in place.  You could try and do all this manually designing your own websites. However, if you’re just getting started an online marketing, that might be a little overwhelming.

A simpler way to do this is to  go through a sales funnel system such as Clickfunnels. In this kind of sales funnel system, the majority of the tech side is done for you. If you’d like to check out more on Clickfunnels you can actually get a free 14-day trial here.

With the right sales funnels in place, you can create the process of generating leads for your business. You can also start offering trip wire products, as well as your info product courses.

Combining all of these together, and it will be one of the most effective digital marketing methods and techniques you grow your business.  If you’d like some more in-depth guidance on how to do all this be sure to check out my free lead generation boot camp here.

Monetize your business with video marketing

Another great online marketing method is to utilize video marketing and to monetize it. Video marketing is one of the best ways to grow your business all around.

Video marketing is also a great way to build trust, rapport, and credibility with your audience.  Most people in digital marketing are afraid of doing videos. So the fact that you do that will set you apart from average marketers.

Another cool thing about video marketing is that you can utilize YouTube to grow your business.  Using YouTube is one of the best digital marketing methods and techniques you can use to grow your business. A reason for this is it also doubles as a search engine.

One of the biggest advantages to creating content on YouTube is that it’s evergreen content.  You can make it once, and I can continue to work for you forever. This is why it’s one of the best online marketing methods to grow your business.

You can also use it as a way to make more money, because as your channel grows you can eventually monetize your videos.  This might not be a ton of money at first, but it can be significant in the long run.

Make sure you make video marketing one of your primary online marketing strategies to build your business.

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Start affiliate marketing as a great online marketing strategy

Affiliate marketing is another one of the best online marketing methods to make money from home.  The cool thing is, you can use all the same marketing strategies as you would for selling your own info products. 

The only difference is, instead of being product you created, you’re just selling someone else’s product.  A lot of people get into digital marketing with this method.

Typically the start-up costs of doing this are very low or free. You also have the potential for large returns. It can save you the time of creating your own products, and allows you to focus on promotion and selling.

Affiliate marketing can be a great online marketing method to make more money, especially if you were just getting started.  You may not have a massive audience or the expertise to create your own digital products in the beginning. This makes affiliate marketing a great online marketing method to start with.

If you’re looking to make an income from home through affiliate marketing, you may want to check out this course.

Write a blog for one of your primary online marketing methods

Writing a blog is one of the best online marketing methods you can use to make more money.  One of the main reasons to blog is that it’s also Evergreen content.

You can write a blog post once and have it work for you forever.  I still have blog posts I wrote years ago that generate leads and sales for me and my business.

This is why blogging is so powerful as an online marketing strategy.  Blogging also uses Search Engine Marketing (SMM) as one of those primary digital marketing methods and techniques. Using Search Engine Marketing with your blog can bring in highly targeted traffic.

Another great aspect of blogging is that you own it.  Social media marketing is great for promoting your business, however you don’t own those platforms. You may lose the accounts, platforms may go out of style, or platforms may decide to require ads for exposure.

It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use social media marketing, but it does have its rewards as well as drawbacks. With a blog you don’t have to worry about that since you own it.

You can create value based content that serves your audience, and you can make it once, and it can continue to bring in leads and sales forever.  You can also host your info product courses there, and promote affiliate products, or any other business.

This makes blogging one of the best online marketing methods to make money from home.  If you are just getting started in blogging I’d recommend taking this course. It is one of the first online marketing training courses I took, and it really helped me grow my business.

Set up an email list for your digital marketing business

The next digital marketing method you want to use in your business is setting up an email list.  An email list is another online marketing strategy that has a lot of leverage.

The thing is that you own it like a blog or website.  This means as you build your list you can continue to build a relationship with them. It also gives you a chance to re-market your content and products to them.  

Building an email list definitely one digital marketing method and technique you want in place. Building a list is something you do for the long run of your business.

As your email list grows with highly targeted potential customers, you’ll want to promote value-based content to them. You need to do this on a regular basis.  By doing this, it can help develop Trust Rapport and credibility with your list.

Certainly not everyone that comes on your list will be ready to buy right away.  However, the good news is, as you develop relationship with your list, when timing is right, people come back to you.

There are a couple tools to make this process of list building easier. One is an email autoresponder, the other is a sales funnel system. these two things in place will be generating weeds growing your list in no time.

If you don’t yet have an email autoresponder might want to check out Aweber.  It’s the email autoresponder I’ve been using for years, and is very cost-effective if you’re just getting started in digital Marketing.

You can actually get your first 30 days for free of your aweber membership here!

Now that you have the right digital marketing methods and techniques in place, how do you promote them to make money?

Search engine optimization (SEO)

I touched on it earlier, but one online marketing method  to start promoting your business is to utilize search engine optimization. Basically search engine optimization is putting specific keywords in your content thatt people are searching for on a daily basis.

When done correctly, search engine optimization, or SEO, can bring in very highly targeted traffic to your website. Basically people are looking for exactly what you have to offer.

It’s a very powerful digital marketing method because can bring in people that already want what you’re offering. There are many strategies you can use for search engine optimization.

If you’re just getting started with SEO it can seem a bit challenging, but there are some pretty simple techniques you can use as a beginner. One online marketing strategy that works very well simply too start typing in ideas into the Google search bar.

Doing this will actually give you suggestions on what a lot of other people are typing and searching for.  This is a great beginning step to base your content around, because you already know people are searching for it.

Creating valuable content is something you should be doing on a regular basis. However, if you are having a hard time getting any traction, you might need better SEO. This is why search engine optimization needs to be a foundation little marketing method you use.

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Use Content marketing as a foundation digital marketing strategy

Most of this post has been about this digital marketing method,  but content marketing should be a foundation to your digital marketing strategy.

People do business with those that they know, like, and trust, whether it’s an individual person, or a business.  This is why content marketing should be one of your foundation online marketing methods to promote your business.

No one really likes a pushy salesperson, but everyone loves a helpful salesperson that solves your problem.  This is really the foundation of content marketing.

Content you create should be focused on solving your ideal target market’s biggest problems and struggles. When you do this it builds an incredible amount of rapport and trust.

Just because you’re using digital marketing methods and techniques doesn’t mean you aren’t building relationships with people.  Content marketing is one online marketing strategy that will help you develop these relationships faster.

Should you use Social Media Marketing (SMM) as part of your digital marketing methods and techniques?

Well there are some downsides to social media marketing, it’s definitely not a digital marketing method you should ignore.  When done correctly, social media can be one of the best options to generate traffic and sales for your business.

You should create content to utilize for content marketing, then as one of your primary online marketing methods use social media marketing. It can be one of the main ways you distribute that content and generate traffic.

Further advantages of social media marketing, is that the larger you’re following grows, the more credibility your content has behind it.  I don’t know if it’s right or wrong, but if you had 10,000 followers on a platform, you’ll get more traction than someone with a hundred followers.

The content can be just as good, but people take you more seriously the larger following you have.  This again makes social media marketing an important aspect of building your business.

The larger your following grows, the more exposure your content and offers and get.  While there are many social media platforms you can utilize, I recommend starting with one or two. Make sure you master them before adding on other platforms.

Would you like to learn more about growing your business through social media marketing? Check out my free lead generation boot camp here.

Using Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) as your online marketing method

Once you’ve mastered the  digital marketing methods and techniques I covered above, it may be time to start advertising your business. All too often I find people jump into advertising too soon. Before their businesses are even profitable, and end up losing even more money.

This is where the final top online marketing method of PPC advertising, or paid ads, comes into play. You are going to have a learning curve with all the online marketing strategies I mentioned above.

I might take some time to develop the skills to start earning income with these digital marketing methods.  However PPC advertising, or pay per click advertising, to promote your business, has a learning curve as well.

I don’t recommend trying to go through both learning curves at the same time.  As it can cost you a lot of time and money before you’re ready for it.

Paid advertising should be reserved for later in your growth curve of your business.  Once you’re already bringing in income and making sales, then you should consider PPC advertising to build your business faster.

Look at PPC advertising and paid ads has gasoline on fire. If you don’t have a fire going yet, pouring gasoline on dry logs doesn’t do a whole lot. Wait to use advertising for final step to exponentially increase growth, not to try and initiate it to begin with.

If you’d like to learn more about PPC advertising and running Facebook ads for your business check out this training. Also clearly there’s only so much I can cover on online marketing methods in one blog post, so I’d also recommend checking out my post on the top online marketing books business owners should read. 

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Mike MacDonald



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P.S. If you aren’t generating leads for your business it’s because you don’t have a system in place to do it. CLICK HERE to set up the exact system I use to Rake In Quality Targeted Leads Daily

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