
How to grow your email list fast to make money online

Are you looking to make money online, but aren’t sure what strategies and methods even work? Well email marketing is one effective way to make money online, so in this post you’ll learn how to grow your email list fast in order to earn income from home.

There are several aspects that go along with email marketing and making money online with it.  As a foundation understand you need to lead with value first and foremost. Building your email list is really growing a list of people, so you need to treat them as such.

Building an email list is like building a relationship with many people at the same time.  Your primary focus needs to be leading with value and offering solutions to that list.

When you do that, making money through an email list is only a matter of time. As you continue to provide quality content and solutions meet their needs earning income is a byproduct.  Building an email list to begin with is a key foundation to making money online and building a successful business.

There’s power in the list, as it can create massive leverage for your business.  You can write one email that can reach potentially thousands of people at once.

As you build a solid relationship with that email list,  you have the potential to earn significant money through sending a single email. This means building a highly targeted email list is of great importance as a strategy to make money online.

In this post you’ll learn several tips on how to build an email list fast that consist of highly targeted leads.

Tools you need to start email marketing

As you are getting started in your email marketing journey there are few tools you want in place to maximize your results.  They are a sales funnel system, email autoresponder and customer relationship manager.

First let’s start with a sales funnel system.  You are going to want to have an initial landing page that your potential customers are going to go to.

In order to get their email you are going to offer a lead magnet or something of value in exchange for their name and email address.

Your lead magnet should be something that helps your target market avoid some kind of pain point or reach a goal faster.  Check out this post on setting up a lead magnet for your business to learn more or continue reading as I’ll cover it in depth further in the post. 

Once you’ve created your lead magnet you place it behind in email capture page.  You’ll create this through your sales funnel system.  If you don’t yet have a sales funnel system in place I’d recommend checking out Clickfunnels how to start.  You can get your first 14 days for free by clicking here.

You’ll learn further on in the post how to actually make money online with sales funnels while building your email list.

Set up an email autoresponder for email marketing

After you have your sales funnels in place you will need an email autoresponder.  As you start to generate email leads, this is what your leads will go into.

Your autoresponder allows you to set up an email series that goes out to your new leads, As well as the ability to send out a mass broadcast to reach all of your leads at once.

This creates a massive amount of leverage in your business and is one of the wealth creation strategies to make money online.  

You can integrate your sales funnel system and lead magnets inside of your email autoresponder as well.  This makes an email autoresponder an essential tool you need to make money online.

If you don’t yet  have an email autoresponder set up for your business I’d recommend checking out Aweber.  It is a great email marketing system especially if you’re just getting started.

It is low cost and very user-friendly.  I’ve been using it for years as well.  If you’d like to learn more as well as get your first 30 days for free of Aweber, Click Here.  

Set up a CRM or Customer Relationship Manager to Follow Up With Your Leads

One aspect that a lot of online marketers miss is follow up with their leads. A customer relationship manager or CRM can help you follow up more effectively in your business.

As you’re getting started building or list it might not be a huge deal to manually send an email to each new lead that comes in. Or to track the phone numbers do you need to call.  However, as your online marketing business grows, the number of leads that start coming in will be impossible to follow up with without a CRM.

A CRM can help you sort through your leads make sure you spend time with quality leads.  One of the major things that keep people from making money online is that they spend too much time with the wrong people.

Having an effective follow-up strategy and CRM to track and manage your leads can help you avoid this problem.  If you’d like to learn more about the CRM that I recommended use click here.

Create a lead magnet as the first step for how to build your email list fast

I mentioned it earlier, but the foundation of how to build an email list fast is through a quality lead magnet.  As you learn and understand your target market and niche better, you will continue to be able to create quality lead magnets.

Ideally your lead magnet should solve a problem, or help your target market achieve a goal of theirs. There are many forms of lead magnets you could use, such as an e-book, PDF download, audio training, or video training among other things. Click Here to learn how to make your first e-book!

You deliver this lead magnet in exchange for someone’s email address, name, and often phone number. The beauty of this strategy is you can create this lead magnet once, and use it over and over again. This can keep bringing quality leads and sales for your business for years to come.

An example of a lead magnet if you were in health and wellness industry could be an eating guide for weight loss.   If you sold a weight loss program for example, an eating guide to lose weight would be a perfect lead magnet.

If your target market and niche is full of people that want to lose weight, giving a away a free eating guide to lose weight will start to build your email list very quickly.  Giving away lead magnets your target market actually want the foundation for how to build in your email list fast.

This is also the gateway for how to make money online through email marketing.

Grow your email list fast with a landing page

Your landing page is the next step in where you actually will collect leads with your lead magnet.  I have talked about earlier by setting up your sales funnel system it will give you the ability to create these landing pages.

There are a variety of different landing pages you could use and different styles that work well to generate leads. A quality landing page is the gateway to start building your email list.

Your initial page may, or may not, include a video.  If you aren’t yet confident in doing a video just include a picture which could have yourself and/or what person will get with your lead magnet.

My suggestion would be to start implementing videos on your landing pages and sales pages as soon as possible.  Video marketing is one of the best ways developed trust and rapport with your audience.

Plus when people know you’re an actual person, the likelihood that they will want to do business with you goes up.  Adding in video to your sales pages and landing pages, is one effective strategy for how to build your email list fast and make money online. See the picture blow of one of my landing pages for my free lead generation boot camp

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Set up an email series and drip campaign as one way to make money online

Now that someone has opted into your capture page and for your lead magnet what do you do next?  The next step you should do while building your email list, is to create an email series or drip campaign to send new subscribers.

Not everyone who joins your list will immediately buy from you.  When someone joins your email list, you need to continue to build value and a relationship with that list.  Your email series are drip campaign can help you do this.

This is also an effective strategy to make money online through email marketing.  You’ll want to set up anywhere from a five to seven day email marketing campaign to send to new subscribers of your list.

The idea is to provide more value based content that serves your target market. Make sure that is congruent with your lead magnet you initially sent them as well. After your value-based content, you want to direct your reader back to your initial sales offer you were promoting.

This follow-up email marketing sequence will start to build more trust and rapport as well as your credibility with your list.  Doing this will increase the sign up ratio of the products you have for sale. It’s also one effective strategy for making money online.

Set up a thank you page after someone joins your email list

Now that you have your email series and landing page in place, the next thing you want to set up is a thank you page.  Your thank you page can direct your new lead to a tripwire product or simply direct them to the training they downloaded.

I’d recommend offering some sort of product for sale as it can help you offset the cost of advertising and start generating revenue from your leads. I’ll cover setting up a tripwire product in up-sells further on, but understand this is the place you would set that up.

Another thing you want to do on the thank you page it is to put a video of yourself there.  If you are using a generic capture page to deliver your lead magnet, I recommend the thank you page as a place to start putting yourself in the mix.

Worst-case put a picture of yourself there, but ideally you want to start putting videos of yourself on your thank you page.  Video marketing is one of the best ways to develop trust and rapport with your audience and new email list.

All things being equal people tend to do business with those they know, like and trust. Video marketing is one way to develop that relationship. If you’re looking to make money online, the better relationship you can have with your email list, the more likely they will buy products you promote.

So if your landing page doesn’t have a video of yourself, definitely make sure that your thank you page does. Having a thank you page is one of the best strategies you can use to grow your email list fast and develop a relationship with that list.

Promote offers as you build your email list

After your thank you page or tripwire product offer,  you want to direct your new email lead to your main offer.  This is where you will start to re-coop your advertising costs, if you are running adds to your landing page, or just further increase profits.

Again not everyone will by immediately for your main offer and larger products to promote,  but that’s the whole point of building an email list. As you build your email list and continue to provide value to that list a portion of that list will buy larger product offers.

You should also promote your product offer through your email series and drip campaign that is set up in your autoresponder. This is a very effective strategy for making money online, as it is leading with value before you pitch any kind of offer.

Offer tripwire and up-sells to make money online

I’ve mentioned it a couple times, but very effective strategy for making money online as you grow your email list is using a tripwire products and up-sells.  What this means is as a lead initially joins your list you offer them an info product course or small product for around $7 to $27.

You want this offer to have a lot of value, but also be something that you can create once and sell repeatedly.  This is usually something like an e-book, audio training, video series, or PDF guide.

The beauty of this type of tripwire product is since it is very low cost, the resistance level of your new leads to purchase it is very low. Obviously you want to provide a ton of value in this products, but even to skeptical leads, there isn’t much to lose.

Now that someone has purchased a product of yours, you can lead into an up-sell of a larger product and course.  Once someone has decided to purchase anything from you the likelihood that they will buy something else goes up.

This is why immediately after someone decides to purchase a tripwire product, you should offer them another larger product that is congruent with the tripwire product.  Look at it like the concept of asking would you like fries with that.

Implementing this strategy while building your email list is one effective way to make money online.

How to grow your email list and keep them around: Continue to provide value

Finally regardless of what kind of offers and things you are promoting,  growing your email list fast is going to require you actually keep your new leads around. A foundation to that is leading with quality content on a regular basis.

You don’t have to do this daily, but a lot of marketers do. Either way you should focus on sending out quality content preferably weekly at a minimum.  Again you can do this to whatever extent you want, but the more content you send to your list that is valuable, the better relationship you’ll establish with them.

This is very powerful because you can continue to market products and services to them on a regular basis alongside the value you send them. This is a highly effective content marketing strategy, and it’s one of the best ways to make money online.

The more valuable content you send out to your email list on an ongoing basis more responsive your list will be.  This means when you do decide to promote an offer it’s more likely your list will buy that offer. Keep this in mind as one of the foundations for how to build an email list fast and keep it around long term.

Implement these list building techniques and you will be growing your email list and making money online in no time.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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P.S. If you aren’t generating leads for your business it’s because you don’t have a system in place to do it. CLICK HERE to set up the exact system I use to Rake In Quality Targeted Leads Daily

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