
How to Instagram for business and why Instagram is good for business

Have you ever wondered why Instagram is good for business or why Instagram is good? Well in this post I’ll cover why Instagram is good for your business and can you use Instagram for business and how to Instagram for business.

How to Instagram for business and generate leads through Instagram

One of the best ways of how to use Instagram for business is through your link in your bio. A lot of people use this link to go to their site, or blog, or a sales page.

While linking your Instagram to a blog can be good, it really depends on what your goal of your account is for. I’ve found that how to Instagram for business is more using it to drive traffic.

Whether you are using Instagram for business, to generate leads, earn sales, or even build a YouTube channel, driving traffic is a great reason why Instagram is good for business.

You can utilize your Instagram bio to offer a free training, course, or as a place you want to drive traffic to. Let’s say for example you wanted to generate leads through Instagram.

How to use Instagram for business in this manner is by putting your capture page link in your bio. Then you can refer back to that link in your post descriptions, comments, or even in messages to new Instagram followers.

How to Instagram for business: Thank your new followers and offer value

Generating leads with Instagram doesn’t have to be difficult. One simple strategy is to simply thank your new followers for following you, and then offering them additional value as a thank you.

For example, after having placed your capture page link in your bio as suggested above, you could say something like, “I really appreciate the follow, also you may like to head over the the link in my bio @mikemacdirect and check out the free ____.”

Then you simply fill in the blank with your free valuable offer.

Can you use Instagram for business? Yes lead to offers in your comments

Another strategy for how to use Instagram for business is through commenting on your own posts with calls to action. If you aren’t familiar with a “call to action”, it’s simply telling someone to do something.

For example your call to action could be, “If you liked this post, definitely subscribe to my YouTube channel!” or “Struggling with building your business through Instagram? Check out the free Instagram Marketing Training in my bio @mikemacdirect

This is why Instagram is good for business, because you can simply live your lifestyle and attract people to your business through proper use of call to actions.

Why Instagram is good for business: Quick video marketing

Video marketing is one of the best ways to build trust, credibility, and rapport with your audience. If you are scared of doing video, or haven’t implemented it into your business yet, Instagram can be an easy place to start.

You do have the ability to do live videos with Instagram, but you can also use their regular video feature and it only lasts a minute. This can help you develop your ability to provide quick value, and then transition into a call to action.

With the added feature of live video, how to Instagram for business is as simple as going live on your phone and sharing valuable content that solves your target market’s problems.

In addition to that, most people know that Instagram videos aren’t professionally done for most people. So if you are just getting started Instagram is a great way to build your business.

Why use Instagram for business? Target your market with hashtags

The ability to use hashtags is one of the easiest ways for posting on Instagram for business. With a little bit of research you can find exactly what hashtags # your target market is using.

For example maybe you are promoting weight loss, or fitness, there could be a ton of hashtags you can use. #weightloss #weightlossjourney #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldfood #slimmingworldfamily #diet #slimmingworldjourney #fitness #slimmingworldfriends #slimmingworldsupport #food #healthy #healthylifestyle #slimmingworldmotivation

That’s just from a quick Google search for top weight loss hashtags. So you can do the exact same thing for your business. How to Instagram for business is simple when your posts attract your target market, and hashtags can help you do that.

If you’d like more in depth strategies of how I use Instagram to build my business I put together another free training to help you build your business through Instagram that you can access HERE.

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Mike MacDonald



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P.S. Are you sick of your team members, distributors and customers canceling their autoships and quitting your team? If you are, you should check out my upcoming webinar. “Why Your Distributors Cancel Their Autoship, Quit Your Team, and What To Do About It!” CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

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