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How to respond to what’s the catch in sales and business

Ever wondered how to respond to what’s the catch while selling your products or promoting your business? It can be a frustrating question to get. How you handle this question can either end the conversation or build curiosity. The best what’s the catch response lies in flipping it back onto the person asking you what’s the catch. In this post, you’ll learn how to respond to what’s the catch and the best what’s the catch answer.

Something you need to understand about sales and business before you give your what’s the catch response

One key reason people struggle with selling is that they are spending too much time with the wrong people. Often when someone asks you what’s the catch, it is a sign of a bad lead. However, your what’s the catch answer could turn your prospect from being negative into positive.

We’ll get to that what’s the catch answer in a bit. But first, understand that not everyone is a good fit for your business or products that you sell. I think a lot of people when they are new to sales, believe that they need to get everyone to buy from them.

It would be great if every person you talk to would buy your products, but that’s not reality. Some people will be a good fit, and some people won’t.

Your job isn’t to convince people that aren’t interested in your business to buy from you and join. Rather, your job is to share your business with those who are interested and open to what you have.

As a foundation, when someone asks what’s the catch, it is a red flag that they might not be a good fit for your business. Not always, but don’t be overly disappointed if they don’t sign up.

How to respond to what’s the catch depends on if the prior questions you are getting are negative or positive

Understanding how to respond to what’s the catch hinges on if people are asking positive or negative questions. If you are selling a product or promoting a business you need to understand the difference.

Have you ever been sharing your home business, products, services, or maybe even free training and had someone ask you what’s the catch?

That can certainly be frustrating especially when all you are trying to do is help the person reach their goals. When it comes to the objection of what’s the catch, there are a few things to keep in mind.

In general, one thing to always have in the back of your mind is that you aren’t looking for everyone just the right ones. If someone is starting off asking negative questions like what’s the catch, it may be an indication to move on to the next person.

Asking negative questions doesn’t mean the person won’t get started, but it’s likely a sign they won’t. If you have to convince someone in the beginning of your sales process, you might end up convincing them forever.

If you convince them to join your business when they aren’t really interested, you’ll end up having to babysit them. This also could mean you’ll have to deal with them quitting after a few weeks. If the what’s the catch question is one negative one in the mix of many positive ones you should be ok.

You are sorting, not selling when you are prospecting for your business

If you’ve decided to continue past the initial what’s the catch question still have the mindset of sorting not selling. This is especially important when it comes to bringing on new business partners. If someone isn’t exicted right away, that doesn’t mean they won’t be down the road but remember you are sorting not selling.

Now paying attention to the kinds of questions your prospect asks can help you determine whether someone will qualify for more of your time or not.

For example, a few more negative questions someone may ask would be something like, “What if I get started and the company goes out of business?”, “What if I join and no one else wants to join?”, “If I take your products and I get sick what then?”, or “What’s the catch?”

There are certainly ways to answer all of these concerns, however, most of the time questions like these are the person just looking for reasons not to join. They are trying to justify not getting started because they think they can’t do it or be successful in your business.

Usually, these are just smokescreen objections and aren’t the real objection. If you answer what’s the catch correctly as a smokescreen objection, you can get to their real objection and help get them started.

How to respond to what’s the catch in your business depends on 3 unanswered questions

Any time you are looking to get someone started with your business you need to answer the 3 major concerns. Is it real? Can I do this? And Will you help me?

When you have successfully answered those questions, most people tend to get started. As for your what’s the catch answer, this is a form of “Is it real?” and “Can I do this?”

The way I’ve found to be successful in answering this what’s the catch objection is to lead with the result your offer will get. Explain how what you are offering works and they will get results. Then say that most people get started with it so if that’s a “catch” then so be it.

For example, let’s say you were giving out a free sample of your product. When did you offer to send someone that sample they asked you what’s the catch?

You could respond with something like, “Well I don’t know if it’s a “Catch” or not, but most people after trying our product tend to become life long satisfied customers. They do this because our products work and get results. When you try it most likely you’ll become a customer as well. When you do that you reach your goal of XYZ and everyone wins. So if that’s a “Catch” then so be it. Would you like to get that sample then?”

Lead with your confidence. People buy you and your confidence first, and whatever you are selling second.  Explain that whatever you are offering gets results and it will really help them to get the outcome they were hoping for when they asked what’s the catch.

Avoid the what’s the catch objection all together

As you may have guessed trying to convince uninterested and negative people is usually a big waste of time. If you really want to be successful in sales and business you are much better off selling to people who are ready to buy.

Often when you hear the what’s the catch objection in sales it is happening because you are fishing in the wrong pond. You really only get this question when you are cold prospecting and you are talking to people that aren’t quite in your target market.

If you were talking to your target market people should be interested and open to what you have. When you offer a solution to someone’s problem in this group, they are excited to hear about it.

With that being said, one big game-changer you can implement in your business is attraction marketing. When you use the right attraction marketing formula,  people come to you looking to buy, instead of you chasing them down.

When people come to you looking for solutions and are ready to buy, you don’t get responses like what’s the catch? Instead, people are interested and ready to buy your solution because that’s exactly what they have been looking for.

Certainly, cold prospecting works and when you use the what’s the catch response mentioned above you can turn those people into leads and sales. However, when you use attraction marketing you’ll save yourself a lot of time and frustration. Check out my free ebook download on the secrets of attraction marketing and the video on how to become great in sales below!

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Mike MacDonald

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Email: [email protected]

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P.S. If you don’t yet have an affiliate marketing business, but you would like to start one, click here to learn how to start a home business in affiliate marketing!

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