Lead Generation and Facebook Advertising Package

Want More Leads? Do you need more quality traffic to your website? Is your website lacking a solid Lead Generation or Facebook Advertising strategy?

With our Lead Generation and Facebook Advertising package we can help you generate more qualified traffic, leads, and sales for your business. Start attracting new customers with our Facebook Advertising and Lead Generation package today.

Do you have a website and offers that look great and provide lots of value, but no one is buying? Are people coming to your site but not becoming leads or contacting you for more information?

Have you spent money on Facebook Advertising before or tried generating leads on your website and haven’t seen the results you were hoping for? Do you have a lead magnet that isn’t converting or maybe you don’t have one and need one set up?

Are your sales funnels not converting? Do you need an email series that converts leads into sales? Are you are struggling to build your email list?

Here’s the thing, it’s not your fault, and we don’t think that’s right.

Let us help you advertise your business with Facebook and help you develop a lead magnet and sales funnel that converts. It can help you build a foundation that can create a steady flow of traffic, leads, and sales for your business on autopilot.

What’s the secret to generating more qualified leads for your business, faster?

Simply sending traffic to your website isn’t enough. You need a compelling offer that your ideal customers actually want in order to generate quality leads for your business.

Most business owners simply ask people to join their newsletter list and barely ever generate a single lead. The reality is you need a lead magnet that helps solve your ideal customer’s problems, answers their common questions, or helps them reach the desired result or goal that is related to your services.

Most people who visit your website for the first time won’t ever return unless they have a compelling reason to do so. This is why you need a method of capturing leads in addition to driving traffic to your website.

This is why you need a high-quality lead magnet and a sales funnel system designed to optimize for conversions. That’s exactly what we do in the Lead Generation aspect of our marketing packages.

We help you develop a lead magnet, setup and optimize your sales funnels, and drive targeted traffic to help you generate leads with Facebook advertising.

Click here to fill out our client intake form survey to schedule a call with our team.

Use Facebook Advertising to drive traffic and generate leads quickly for your business

Having a lead magnet on your website is great, but you need leads today. That’s why we included Facebook Advertising in this digital marketing package. With our Facebook Advertising strategy, you can start to generate quality leads right away for your business.

This combination strategy of Facebook Advertising and Lead Generation is the perfect marketing strategy for your business. This can set up your business to capitalize on the increased traffic from Facebook ads, while also generating quality leads through your lead magnet. Then the email series on the backend can help nurture your leads into sales.

Our Facebook Advertising and Lead Generation strategy is a 3-Step approach.

  1. Lead Magnet and Sales Funnel Creation

    This lays the foundation of developing a high-converting lead magnet that your ideal clients actually want, and we create a sales funnel that delivers it and helps you generate leads at the same time. We will work with you to create a lead magnet specific to your business and customers that answers their common questions, helps them reach their goals faster, and positions your business as the top leader in your space. When you are an industry leader and people see you as a credible resource, people choose you over the competition. That means more people buy your products and services. With this solid foundation of a lead magnet and sales funnel in place, the traffic you get from Facebook advertising is more likely to convert into leads and sales when they get to your site.

  2. Facebook Advertising

    This can drive targeted traffic to your offers. With our Facebook advertising strategy, we can help get you more leads quickly. This means you don’t have to wait to start talking to more qualified prospects for your business. With our Facebook advertising services, you’ll put the right message in front of the right people, which can help you lower your cost per lead, and increase conversions. This will optimize your ad spend dollars and maximize your results with Facebook advertising.

  3. Email Marketing

    This is the foundation followup strategy we will help you implement to convert your newly acquired leads into sales and paying clients. Not everyone who becomes a lead will be ready to buy from you immediately, and some leads may need to be nurtured to that point. This is where we come in. Part of our Lead Generation and Facebook Advertising package includes developing a followup email series. This series can help further educate your leads on your services and sell them on the benefits of doing business with you. So in addition to personal followup that you do, the email series will passively follow up with leads to help pre-qualify them in your sales process.

Click here and fill out our new client intake marketing survey to get started.

See some of our lead generation results with Facebook ads below!

Facebook Leads Generated - CoachMikeMacDonald, facebook advertising, facebook advertising package

Our Facebook Advertising and Lead Generation Packages include:

  • Facebook ad setup – Including traffic ads, conversions ads, messenger ads, video ads, and more.
  • Create custom conversions based on your goals with Facebook advertising.
  • Install Facebook pixels on your website.
  • Create custom audiences and lookalike audiences for your ideal customers to improve targeting and maximize your Facebook advertising budget.
  • Custom landing page and thank you page set up to optimize conversions. (Sales Funnel System is not included in this package pricing: if you don’t have a sales funnel system set up yet, here is a free trial of one we recommend.)
  • Email Autoresponder setup and connection to sales funnel. (Email Autoresponder is not included in the package pricing: If you don’t have an email autoresponder here is a free trial of one we recommend.)
  • Create a customized lead magnet for your business.
  • Followup email series that sells your products or services without being pushy or salesy.
  • Monthly engagement email to promote your latest offer and content.

(Additional Content Marketing add-ons available to further enhance our Facebook Advertising and Lead Generation package)

Your biggest Facebook Advertising and Lead Generation issues SOLVED:

No Leads

Issue # 1: You aren’t getting any new leads coming from your website.
Our Solution: Our Facebook advertising strategy can drive traffic to your site and our lead magnet can help you generate leads. This combo strategy can your email list quickly and create a flood of new customers for your business.

Poor Conversions

Issue # 2: Visitors that do come to your site and people that see your ads don’t convert.
Our Solution: This happens for a number of reasons.  One reason this happens is that your lead magnet doesn’t offer true value. We help you create a lead magnet and offer your ideal customers are actually interested in. This leads to more conversions and leads generated on your website. We also help you position your ads in a way that doesn’t just highlight your features. Rather, they focus on the benefits your ideal customers are actually interested in.

Tried Facebook Advertising Or Lead Generation Before And Didn’t See Results

Issue #3: I’ve tried running Facebook ads before and we didn’t get leads or make money.
Our Solution: Typically this happens because you aren’t targeting the right people. Most people target anyone that breaths with Facebook ads and that will burn through your budget with little to no results. We help optimize your targeting and messaging so you can generate leads and convert them into customers. With our tracking and conversion optimization, you can know your Facebook advertising dollars are well spent.

You Don’t Have The Time To Figure Our Facebook Advertising, Lead Generation, or Email Marketing On Your Own

Issue #4: You have tried email marketing and making lead magnets and sales funnels in the past or running ads, but you just don’t have the time to figure it out.
Our Solution: We already are digital marketing experts that have generated thousands of leads with Facebook ads. Let us do it for you and skip over your learning curve and put in the time for you.

Your Business Isn’t Growing As Fast As You Want

Issue #5: Your customer base growth isn’t as fast as you’d like it.
Our Solution: We can help you get more traffic, leads, and sales quickly with our Facebook Advertising and Lead Generation Package. Plus ask about pairing it with our higher-level marketing packages for even better results.

Facebook Advertising and Lead Generation Package Pricing

$1000 Facebook Setup investment for your Facebook ad set up to drive traffic to your landing page.

$2500 Sales Funnel, Lead Magnet, and Email Series Setup Landing page and thank you page creation if you don’t have them already. Includes initial strategy development call and initial keyword research to optimize content marketing strategy. (Pricing Does Not Include Sales Funnel System or Email Autoresponder)

Additional ad campaigns = $350 setup fee per new campaign.

Additional sales funnel, lead magnet, and email series creation = $2000 setup fee.

$1000/Mo Maintenance for managing Facebook ad campaign and managing email list. (This does not include your ad spend).

IMPORTANT: The client pays for a monthly ad spend budget separately to Facebook. We recommend a minimum ad spend of $300/mo

If your monthly ad spend budget is over $1000/mo we will charge the following added rate to your $1000/mo budget to cover our increased management costs:

  • $1001 – $2500/mo ad spend budget: add an additional $500 per month for management ($1500/mo total)
  • $2501+ ad spend budget: Scales with ad spend – $1500/mo + 5% of total ad spend

Here is what will help us make your ad campaigns successful faster:

  • An idea of your ideal customer avatar.
  • If you have a testimonial video from your customers, or existing positive reviews, we can create more advanced ads and targeting to improve results and lower ad spend.
  • With an existing customer list, we can create lookalike audiences based on your existing customers for more targeted ads that can increase conversion rates.
  • If you have an existing email list, we can use that as a base to create lookalike audiences to improve conversion rates.

This package has a 4-month minimum commitment

Ready to get started with our Facebook advertising Package and Lead Generation Package?

The first step to getting started with us is to Fill Out Our Intake Form. Complete the digital marketing survey form, and then we will contact you to set up a call.  We will discuss Facebook Advertising and Lead Generation for your business.
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