Sales Tips on Closing the sale – Ask more questions
When closing the sale the more information you know the easier it gets
Sales tips on closing the sale. If you are struggling with closing sales in your business and want more customers who buy from you, it might be a good idea to ask more questions. Often if you ask more questions to your potential customer on what it is that they are looking for, they will tell you exactly what it is they want. One of my top sales tips on closing the sale is that if you want to make more sales ask more questions. If you know exactly what people are looking for you can close more sales by simply giving that person exactly what it is that they want.
Wishing you Health and Prosperity – Mike MacDonald
I would realistically look at building a successful network marketing business as a 3-5 year project to build a successful 10k a month income. Sure, some will get there faster, but the majority of people will take at least 3 years to be able to make that happen. This means you will need to do “COLD MARKET RECRUITING” in addition to Warm Market Recruiting, AND you will need a high volume lead generating system or you wont make it very far. Network Marketing is a numbers game, and without the Numbers and Leads you have no business. If you don’t already have a High Volume Lead Generating System for Your Business….
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Mike MacDonald
Email: [email protected]