Easy Social Media Marketing Strategy For Pest Control Companies
Have you been struggling to find pest control social media posts that actually work and an overall social media marketing strategy for your pest control business? Developing a social media marketing strategy for pest control companies can seem challenging at first. However, the good news is that when you follow the right process it doesn’t need to be difficult or extensively time-consuming. In this post, you’ll learn some effective pest control social media posts and an easy social media marketing strategy for pest control companies!

Set Proper Expectations With Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
The first aspect of building a successful social media marketing strategy for pest control companies is to have realistic expectations of results. A common misconception is the potential effectiveness of pest control social media posts as a whole.
Some social media platforms are going to have more value for pest control companies than others. Don’t think that sitting on social media all day is going to grow your pest control business. Rather, with some strategic planning and an overall social media marketing strategy for pest control companies you can see results.
Most people who follow a pest control company on social media typically aren’t going to engage at the level someone would with an influencer. This means that you are going to need to lead with value first if you hope to gain any traction with your pest control social media posts.
There are other factors that impact the success of your social media marketing as well. For example, posting every day probably won’t be necessary and if your following is small on a non-SEO-based platform your efforts are probably best spent elsewhere. Social media marketing for pest control companies works, but it needs to be combined with other digital marketing strategies to see the best results.
How to setup and optimize your pest control social media profiles
With your proper expectations in place, the next step of your social media marketing strategy is to optimize your pest control company’s social media profiles. The good news is that you don’t need to spend hours on this step. You simply want your profiles to be completely filled out and to have professional images included when possible.
When you lack social media profiles at all or if they are not fully filled out it can seem like you aren’t really serious about your business. Fill out your basic profiles on things like Facebook/Meta, Instagram, YouTube, etc. Lacking these social media profiles is almost like lacking a pest control website, and can be a potential red flag for prospective pest control clients.
As an added bonus, when you set up your social media profiles for your pest control business it gives you an authoritative backlink to your website. The number of backlinks from credible sources is one of the ranking factors on Google which can improve your local SEO for your pest control company.
Make sure you have appropriate photos like your profile image and cover photo on the various social media platforms you create. Also make sure to fill out your About section and link to any relevant content like your website, free estimate request page, contact page, or free pest inspection page.
You don’t need to post every day on social media, but you should try and post at least once a week if possible to keep your profile active.
Build your audience on social media
The next step of your pest control social media strategy is to grow your base audience of followers. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of thinking that pest control social media posts daily are the key to success.
The reality is that you can post daily, but if you have no followers and no one sees it, you will not generate pest control leads. This means that you need not only a content strategy for social media but also a strategy to gain and grow followers.
A couple of great places to grow your audience can be Facebook/Meta, Twitter, LinkedIn, and your YouTube subscriber base. The larger your fan base is the more exposure you can get with your targeted audience.
When your profile is optimized and you post content it can greatly expand your reach. This step can be accelerated by creating different awareness campaigns on platforms like Facebook/Meta.
YouTube is also a great place to build a following of subscribers as the content there is SEO based and the more subscribers you have the more credibility it gives your pest control business.
Build your following and your messaging can make an impact and convert into new pest control customers.
Engage your followers with a Content Marketing Strategy
Another key factor of a successful social media marketing strategy for pest control companies is posting engaging content. Most pest control companies either post nothing at all or only post sales-focused content.
When you only post sales offers for your content you quickly end up pushing potential customers away from your business rather than attracting them to you. Ideally, you should follow the 80/20 rule when it comes to posting content to social media. 80% of your content needs to be value-based and educational, while only 20% of your content should be aimed at selling your pest control services.
For example, an educational post could be something like warning signs for pests or a pest-proofing guide. Another option could be showing the difference between your professional pest control products and something that people could buy over the counter.
When you post content that educates potential customers it helps build credibility and authority for your pest control business. If a potential customer sees your company as an expert in the pest control industry, they will be more likely to hire you vs the competition.
Make sure you post to social media consistently
Posting on a consistent basis is another key to building a successful social media marketing strategy for pest control companies. As we mentioned before many people either don’t post at all or they do so very infrequently, or all they post are sales messages.
Often we’ll see pest control businesses posts at a high frequency for a month or two and then burn out. It’s much better to post consistently at a lower volume than posting aggressively for a week or two and then nothing for months.
The good news is for a pest control business you don’t need to post as often as you would as an influencer in another niche. Certainly, you can post every day, but the quality, value you post, and overall consistency is more important than the total quantity.
When you look at how often to post, think of it like working out. Working out for some amount even if it’s small on a regular basis, is better off than working out straight for 8 hours one day a month.
For the most part, your pest control social media posts need to happen often enough so that your profiles look active. If you can keep up a pace of once a week that is probably good enough for most companies.
Certainly, if you can consistently post at a higher frequency that would be great. You might also consider checking out how often your competition is posting, but as long as you appear active it won’t send any red flags to potential buyers.
Run Paid Advertising to Promote Your Pest Control Social Media Posts
When you follow the above social media marketing strategy for pest control companies, your results should start to grow. However, to really take your social media marketing success to the next level you’ll want to scale your results with paid advertising.
The organic social media marketing strategies listed above can work great, but on many platforms like Facebook or “Meta” if you want large exposure you need to “pay to play” or advertise.
One of the key ways that platforms like Facebook make money is through paid advertising, so it’s advantageous for them to reduce organic reach. The good news is that for a couple of dollars a day, you can reach quite a large audience with your pest control social media posts.
With a paid advertising strategy like Facebook ads for pest control companies, you can reach your target audience quickly. Having the organic strategy you build earlier will build authority and credibility and paid advertising will get you reach quickly.
Another benefit to the organic pest control social media posts is to test the waters and see if something is likely to perform. If you see that it is working you can scale results by putting advertising dollars behind it. See our other blog post to learn more about our simple pest control advertising strategy.
Overall, social media marketing for pest control companies can be effective when your strategy matches your expectations for results. As a foundation make sure you fully fill out your social media profiles. This means uploading proper profile images and filing out the about sections, websites, hours, etc.
After that focus on building a following and leading with value. Make sure your pest control social media posts aren’t only about selling your services. If all you do is sell you’ll end up pushing potential customers away.
Consistency is key to a successful social media marketing strategy for pest control companies. Post often enough so that people will view your profile as active. If you don’t it can send red flags to potential clients.
Finally, scale your results from organic pest control social media posts by including paid advertising. Most social media platforms have a limited reach with organic posting. By adding in paid advertising you can see results faster.
Follow this social media marketing strategy for pest control companies and you’ll start to see results from your efforts!