Small Business

Time Saving Office Tips

If you work in an office you will know that sometimes some tasks take a lot longer than they need to. As an office worker we often get stuck doing menial tasks or time consuming things which are a waste of our time and our day. This is why today we are going to take a look at some wash time saving hacks for the office which will make office life easier and allow you to get more done.


Have a scheduling system

If you are always feeling as if you have no time to yourself in the working day and that everyone is pulling you this way and that, it might be a good idea to use meeting room booking.

Booking a meeting room out for yourself can be a good way of having some time to work on things without being disturbed by everyone else. It will give you the peace and quiet you need to get on with your day.

If you have a coaching business or set up appointments for your business you may want to check out and This can help you sort through your appointments in advance as well as schedule them during open times you are available.

One common mistake many business owners make is that they spend too much time with the wrong people. Having a pre-qualification process with someone before they get a meeting with you is one way to do this.

For example I require someone to apply for a coaching call, before I set that up with someone. Not only does this save time, it can make sure a call is worthwhile for both sides of the call.

Spending time with potential leads that don’t have the resources to properly utilize your service or business ends up as a time waster for everyone. The more you can drill down and find the right people you should be talking to the better. With a scheduling system in place you can do this more effectively.

Create a meeting time limit

When you do have meetings, they can often overrun when people are chatting about this and that and everything under the sun, and this is why it can be important to set a time limit and stick to it.

You can have a bell system in the room to ring when you are out of time and this will ensure that your time is saved more more important jobs that you need to do.

Another aspect to this is to understand fully what the purpose of the meeting is and what you are looking to accomplish. Doing this in advance can keep you on track and avoid a major time waste through unnecessarily long meeting times.

Always have in the back of your mind, does this meeting drive us closer to our top income producing results or not. If it doesn’t see if you can eliminate the meeting entirely or simple shorten it so it is the most effective use of your time.

Time is the most valuable resource you have, and you can never get it back. Use it wisely.

Use handy software

Software can be a lifesaver in business and there are so many amazing pieces of software which you just have to try out for yourself this year.

First of all there are things such as Buffer to schedule social media posts, there’s Basecamp to allow for easier working together on projects, and there are tonnes of other great applications you can use to make your working life a little bit easier.

There are many tools and online marketing systems you can use to scale and grow your business. Many of these can be set up once and can continue to work for you on an automated basis.

One of the best systems you can develop for your business is an automated lead generation strategy. With a lead generation system set up with tools like a sales funnel system and email autoresponder, you can get targeted leads passively.

This can be a huge time saver and allow for you to spend your time on higher level tasks vs just getting leads for your business.

Work together

It is important as a team of workers that you work together all the time. You are in a team working for the same company and this means that everyone in your business has a common goal.

Working together and communicating in a more effective way can be a good way to ensure that important tasks can be done and that you get projects completed on time with minimal errors. Effective communication can really make a big impact on your working life.

A cool option to share schedules and organize what needs to be done is an app called Trello. This can be especially useful if you are trying to coordinate efforts throughout the organization without spending hours in meetings.

You can grant access to individuals on specific projects and boards and allow everyone to contribute. This can all be done virtually and from home. It’s a great free tool I’d recommend to improve your team’s ability to work together on a project.

Share calendars

If you are ever unsure about the schedules of your colleagues it can be a good idea to have a big shared calendar for the office with everyone’s different schedules on show.

This will make it easy for you to know if someone has a meeting at this time or a project to do, and everyone can fit around each others schedule for a happier and more productive workplace. It will save those back and forth emails trying to find a time where everyone is free for a meeting because you will be able to see right away.

Implement block scheduling for yourself and team

If you find yourself or your team getting off track or having trouble staying focused, block scheduling could be a great option. Most people struggle with time management because they are working on too many projects at once.

They get in a mode of just dealing with problems and being in reaction mode, vs being in control of their day. Obviously you will have things spring up from time to time, but when you focus on your most income producing tasks first this can be a major factor in improving results.

With block scheduling and planning your day in advance you can give 100% focus on a single task. When you do this the quality and amount you can get done on a specific thing goes through the roof.

If you struggle with feeling overwhelmed or that you are multitasking too much, block scheduling could be a great solution. Implement these time saving office tips to make the most of your day!

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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