GoalsMarketingPersonal Development

Top 5 Daily Habits of Successful People

Your daily habits will either make you or break you. Your daily habits determine your future success of lack of it, so in this post you’ll learn the top 5 daily habits of successful people!

1. Set goals daily and plan out your day as the start of your daily habits

As the old saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Without goals and knowing where you are going, how do you ever expect to get there?

Well one priority you should have as a part of your daily habits is to set goals daily. Some of these may be long term goals, others may be short term, but you need to know where you are going.

Having goals and focusing on them daily can help you go in the right direction. As Jim Rohn said, “the wind blows on us all, but it’s the set of the sail that determines the destination.”

Life gets in the way sometimes and having goals set as part of your daily habits can help you continue towards building a successful life. One of the top daily habits of successful people is to set goals and focus on them every day!

Use time blocking as a part of your goal setting daily habit

You might be setting goals and just don’t feel like you have enough time in the day to actually achieve them. Well this is where using time blocking can help you reach your goals faster.

Most people are all over the place with building their business and striving towards their goals. It’s like goal setting ADHD.

To help you focus on your goals, set aside time each day to actually reach them. Utilizing time blocking can be an effective way to do this. You’d be amazed how much you can actually get done when you have concentrated effort on a single task.

Most people don’t get much done, because they never really focus on one single thing. They have to constantly start and restart something repeatedly throughout the day.

Instead of doing that focus on a single thing each time block. For example you might set an hour from 7 AM to 8 AM to prospect for your business. All you do for that whole hour is just prospect.

Rather than trying to prospect, check emails, update social media, etc. You can focus on one specific task the whole time block. Doing this can really help you get better results and reach your goals faster.

Implement time blocking in your daily habits for setting and reaching your goals.

2. Focus on results and your highest priority tasks as a part of your success habits

With your daily habit of setting your goals in place, it’s time to determine which ones are a priority and that you need to do first. Focus on your top income producing activities and most important goals first.

Most people get pulled into a hundred different directions the second we get up each day. If you don’t prioritize your tasks you can end up spending your day on urgent tasks, but that have little value to reaching your future goals.

This is why daily habits of successful people often focus on their most important tasks first! When you can prioritize the most important daily goals and accomplish them first, you know you had a successful day.

Pick one goal that you know if you accomplished that, and nothing else, it would still be a successful day. Determine what your most important accomplishments need to be for the day and make it a daily habit of doing those first.

What are some high priority tasks and daily habits for business owners?

As a business owner your habits can make you or break you, so having effective daily income-producing activities is one of the most important habits you want to develop.

As most people first start their home business often they don’t have good daily habits.  They get sucked into activity, rather than productivity.

This is why establishing your most income-producing activities is so important. Now some of the most important daily activities you want to establish are things like active prospecting and passive marketing.

When you’re just getting started active prospecting and reaching out to people is probably your most important activity, and passive marketing takes second place.

You want to set a dedicated time for active prospecting and bringing in new business.  New business is the lifeblood of your business. Without it you’ll continue to struggle.

In addition to active prospecting and promoting your business you want to start to implement passive marketing strategies as well.

The benefit of passive marketing is you can build it once, and it can continue to work for you forever.  The downside to passive marketing is it doesn’t happen overnight.

This means it’s an important activity to do daily, but without active prospecting, it’s hard to make money right away.  So make sure you implement both active prospecting and passive marketing as two of your top income-producing activities for your business.

3. Make daily habits for health a priority

Health is one of the major things that most people don’t prioritize until it’s gone. This is why successful people make sure that focusing on good health is one of their top daily habits.

If you want to achieve major goals and massive success, you will need to have a lot of energy. If you are sick all the time, or are tired, or don’t have any energy, it’s going to be hard to focus on getting things done.

This is why successful people make their health a major priority. There are several factors that go into good health such as proper sleep, diet, exercise.

When any one of these are missing your health can decline. Make good health a priority and a part of your daily success habits so you can reach your other goals in life.

Simple Daily Habits for health to Implement: Walk your way to success

Now you might be wondering what are some easy health habits to implement on a daily basis.  Well one that I really recommend, that can definitely help you shed excess weight, and then also really get you going for the day, is a daily walk.

What’s awesome with this is you don’t have to be in amazing shape to implement this on a daily basis. It’ll get you moving and get the day and headed in the right direction health wise.

Another reason I like adding in a daily walk is that you can combine this with personal development time.  On your walk you can be listening to audio books, self-help, training materials, whatever the case may be, to really help you improve your results in your business.

Another great aspect of this daily habit for health, is it doesn’t cost any money, and you don’t need any special equipment to implement it. Just wake up and walk out the door, and you’re good to go!

There’s even a lot of studies out there that show walking can burn basically the same amount of calories as running or jogging. If you’re new to fitness, or if it’s a new habit for you, walking can be a simple way to get into daily health habits.

4. Make Self improvement a daily habit

Your business will only grow to the point that you do. Successful people have a daily habit of continual improvement.

If you aren’t growing you are dying. The daily habits of successful people always include working on themselves and personal development.

There are several factors you can do to improve yourself daily. Have a daily habit of reading good books, listening to audio training, and even video training from successful people who have accomplished what you want in life.

Adapt the concept of matching and modeling. Find successful people who have what you want and do what they do and you can get what they got.

Books, videos, and audios from successful people that have already figured it out can be a short cut for your success. Make it a daily habit to focus on self improvement and getting better every day.

One of the best ways to implement personal development as a daily habit

As an avid video game nerd, I always am looking for ways to enjoy my hobby while also being productive in my business. Well one of my favorite ways to do this to be productive while being unproductive.

Basically what this means is that you combine activities like playing video games, or working out, or driving with personal development.

There are a few effective ways to implement this daily habit, you can use videos and audios for personal development. Both of these can be playing in the background while you do other things.

Make use of time where you have to be somewhere but double down on personal development to make the most of your time. Turning your car into a university on wheels for example is one great way to do this.

I’d recommend checking out Audible as another option to get audio books. This is one of the best forms of learning, and you can do it while doing other things.

I often even do this while creating content or prospecting. This helps me really maximize my time and get in the daily habit of personal development, without taking time away from income producing activities.

5. Successful people have Self discipline and make it one of their daily habits

The final daily habit of successful people is probably the hardest, and that’s having self discipline. Leaders and successful people don’t always feel like doing their daily success habits, but they do them anyway.

Leaders and successful people make the decision to do their daily habits regardless of if they want to or not. They know that with the right daily habits they can create the life of their dreams.

It isn’t always easy, but they know that with self discipline they can get to where they really want to be. If you always do what’s easy, life with be hard, but if you focus on the right daily habits, it may be hard, but overtime life gets a whole lot easier.

So develop the discipline to focus on these top daily habits of successful people and watch your business and life start to transform into the life you’ve always wanted.

How to develop self discipline as a daily habit

One thing I find that holds people back when it comes to developing self discipline is trying to do too much too soon.  That can quickly lead to burn out when you’re building your business, especially if you haven’t started any daily disciplines for productivity before.

One thing I really recommend if you’re just getting started in your business, and you’re looking develop more self-discipline as daily habit, is to focus on little wins every day. So decide something that is doable, and that you can start to make a daily habit.

For example, you might start with sending 5 messages a day reaching out to new people about your business.  Obviously this is nothing crazy but when you do this on a consistent basis it can really add up over time.

It’s all about getting in the daily habit of doing your income-producing activities.  Most people try and go overboard when they’re just getting started. Maybe they attended event and get excited, or they just join their company, and they go all out, but it only lasts a day or two.

Maybe they send a hundred messages the first day after an event, and then a week later they’re not sending any.  I’d rather have someone that sent consistent messages, or did consistent activity, on a daily basis that wasn’t extreme but they stuck to it long term.

One of the major things that separates people that get average results vs massive results, is they commit to having a daily discipline. Let’s face it, self-discipline it’s not always easy. 

An effective way to develop this is doing little steps every single day and building up from there to your optimal activity level.

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Mike MacDonald

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P.S. If you aren’t generating leads for your business it’s because you don’t have a system in place to do it. CLICK HERE to set up the exact system I use to Rake In Quality Targeted Leads Daily

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