
Top Reasons Why You Should Automate Your Business Right Now

When you run your own business, you have a lot of decisions to make. These will have a huge impact on how successful you are.

If you want to make the most out of what you have however, then you need to get to the point where you can automate most of these decisions so you have more time to focus on the growth and sustainability of your company.


Increase efficiency by automating your business

Manual processes really do take way more time when compared to automated ones. If you get to the point where you can automate most of your workflow, then you will be able to meet deadlines much more efficiently, and you can also organize your priorities as well.

Automation also gives you the opportunity to find out what strategies and techniques work for your business because you can spend more time monitoring them and less time taking care of everything yourself.

Some areas to automate your business

A few of the most common areas I recommend you should start automating are with lead generation and content distribution. Lead generation can be a simple process when you have the right tools and training in place.

Having the right tools isn’t always the key to success. Certainly it’s a good foundation, but when you don’t know what you’re doing the right tools mean nothing. If you’d like to set up a good foundation of the right skills you need for lead generation I’d recommend going through my free Lead Generation Boot Camp here.

Some of the right tools you want to get is an email autoresponder and a sales funnel system. You may also enjoy checking out my post on how to grow your email list fast.

As far as content distribution is concerned, Twitter marketing is one of my favorite options. As you build a following you can simply have your content distributed automatically.

This can build a steady flow of leads, sales, and traffic on autopilot for your business. If you’d like to learn how to automate your business growth through Twitter, I’d recommend this course.

Happy employees

Keeping your team satisfied is crucial when you run your own business. Employees don’t want to spend most of their day doing the same task over and over again.

Eventually they will grow to hate their job and they may even begrudge your company. The more you are able to automate your system, the happier your employees will be. You can also liberate them as well so that they can focus on much more strategic and valuable activities that will actually benefit your company.


When you are able to automate a task, you are also then able to gather reports based on production, quality and anything else you need. For example, when you work in a warehouse, you can get an automatically generated list that shows you how many products have been sold, how many are currently waiting for dispatch and even how long they have been sat there for.

If you had a team taking care of these tasks for you then they would have endless paperwork to fill out and the margin for error would be much higher. By automating your tasks, you can monitor them much more efficiently and you can also use the data you have to capitalize on that. A lot of the above can be related to real estate CRM as well.


If you make your products by hand, then there will be a margin for error. Some may not be as uniform as others and you may even find that sometimes, you are just not at the top of your game. That being said, the orders still need to be fulfilled and you don’t have time to re-do them all just because they’re not 100%.

Automation gives you the chance to eliminate this stress. You can increase your workflow, your profit and even your customer satisfaction all at the same time. You can also provide a much better service to the people who matter the most as well.

Automation isn’t as expensive as it used to be and there are so many resources out there that can be used to help you to get your company to where it needs to be.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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“I help coachable and teachable professionals become Financially Free and Live Full Time!  Helping you create a better tomorrow through a better you!”

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