
Tough Competition? Here’s How to Beat Them

In the world of business, there will always be a variety of competitors to deal with. They may have been there before you already or perhaps they’re just starting to close in – either way, you need to find a way to keep them at bay.

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Photo by from Pexels

Luckily, beating those competitors and putting yourself on top doesn’t have to be too difficult as long as you know what you’re doing. Here is a handful of tips in terms of getting yourself ahead so that you can prosper a bit faster than them.

Understand Your Competitor If You Want To Beat The Competition

When things are starting to go downhill – or even have for some time, having a look at the ones you’re up against in an excellent starting point. It will enable you in setting competitive prices, making your product or service more appealing, as well as responding to competing campaigns with an initiative of your own.

You’ll be one step ahead of them at all times, lurking around the corner, and making their lives in the office as pressing as they’ve made yours. Also, understand that through your competitors can come some of your best customers.

If you sell similar products or services as your competitors, there is a high probability their customers could be interested in what you have as well. Sometimes you will just resonate better with certain people over others.

Think of Pepsi and Coke. Both are very similar, but many people are die-hard Pepsi fans, while others will drink nothing but Coke. Just because someone buys from a competitor now, doesn’t mean they won’t buy from you in the future.

Plus not everyone that follows a competitor is necessarily a customer. Many in their audience may be a better fit with you and your company and switchover.

Outgrow them with outsourcing

Lift some weight off your business by outsourcing routine tasks to third parties. It doesn’t have to be too costly if you find the right company – and remember that the time you spend on doing this yourself is also money.

With a third party up your sleeve, such as a local seo company, you’ll also receive an entire additional team to help your customers and find solutions to their problems like never before – the kind of solutions your competitors are unable to offer.

When you can’t beat them right away, it is definitely best to befriend them instead. You’ll be able to use their insights and success to your advantage, make it work for your business, and stay innovative.

As business owners sometimes it can be tough to decide what you should outsource and what you shouldn’t. Think about outsourcing things that are essential to your business, but that you aren’t that good at.

For example, you may try and re-work something on your website that you know would take you hours, but instead of wasting your time on that you could hire out someone who could do it in minutes. Then you could better spend your time focused on your most essential income producing activities.

If you’d like to learn more about outsourcing I’d recommend checking out this book Clockwork. Pick it up on Amazon Here!

Use Emotion To Get Ahead And Beat The Competition

Emotions and patients, in general, plays a big role in outsmarting your competition, and you need to use it when finding a noble purpose for your company as well as when you’re planning out the business strategy.

Remember that professional doesn’t have to mean boring; many business owners continue to draft lengthy papers on strategy, boring the minds out of their employees, and expecting them to react with enthusiasm.

It’s just not going to happen, and the customers will never be enthusiastic about your product or services unless your employees are. Sell it to them the same way you would have sold it to the customers, tell them stories, and weave emotion into the picture.

While logic may very well make you think, emotion makes you act – and that’s what sells a product, drives traffic, and puts your company on the map.

Out Value Your Competition To Beat Your Competition

How much are you educating your target market? Are you providing more value than your competition? If the answer is no, it could be why you are struggling.

The more you can educate and provide value to your target market and ideal customers, the more likely they will buy from you. This is the foundation of attraction marketing.

When you lead with value first, it will develop a know, like, and trust factor with your audience. All things being equal, most people will end up doing business with a person or company that they like and trust.

Make it a focus of your marketing efforts to put out ongoing content that answers your target market’s biggest questions and helps to start solving their problems.

When you do this the likelihood that they will buy from you vs your competitors will greatly increase. If you’d like to learn more about implementing this kind of attraction marketing system in your business, check out my free Attraction Marketing Secrets Ebook below!

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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