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Why having an online marketing strategy is important for your home business

Many people struggle with building their home business online because they don’t have an effective online marketing strategy. Today’s post reveals why having an online marketing strategy is important and what 3 step strategy can work best for building your home business.

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People do business with those that they know like and trust

One key factor, no matter what you promote in your home business, is that most people tend to do business with those that they know like and trust. This is exactly why most companies will tell you to start with your warm market, or friends, family, and close acquaintances.

Typically for most people they have that built in know, like, and trust factor built in with their friends and family and that’s why I also agree with starting with those people is usually best. The reason for this is that with this group of people they will most likely hear you out even if your invites are terrible or you do everything wrong.

Often these people will still do business with you because of the relationship you have with them. This however is not a free pass for you to spam them with your links or try and force them to buy from you or join your team.

This is another common mistake why people struggle with building their home businesses, even with their warm market. Instead of simply seeing if their close contacts are open to checking out or hearing about what your business offers many people just push it on them so aggressively that it turns people away.

You still want to follow the proper inviting techniques even if they are your warm market. If you are struggling with inviting people to look at your business be sure to check out my Inviting Mastery Webinar here www.coachmikemacdonald.com/IM

The first step of the most effective 3 part online marketing strategy to create that know, like, and trust factor with people you don’t know, is building your audience

First and foremost building your audience is the key foundation to building your home business successfully online. Too many people try and lead with selling their business, and without a targeted audience, your offers will just continue to fall on deaf ears.

Your major task each day should be focused on building up an audience and making new connections with people who are in your target market. That could vary from business to business as to who those people are, but building your audience is the foundation.

For example if you marketed health and wellness products, weight loss, or were a personal trainer, you should focus on people who have an interest in health and fitness. Certainly not every single person you connect with in this space will buy from you, or want to work with you, but they are your ideal people who most likely would.

As you develop and build this targeted audience from there the next part of this online marketing strategy is going to be centered around providing value to that audience.

Step 2 of the most effective online marketing strategy to grow your home business: Engage your audience

This second step of your online marketing strategy should focus on providing value based content to the audience you are building that solves their biggest problems. Nothing builds more trust, rapport, and credibility with your audience then solving their problems and struggles.

For example back to the weight loss case, if you know someone has been struggling for a long time to lose weight but they can’t seem to get results and after years of struggle, and then you give a few tips that help them lose their first 10 pounds, you will be their hero.

When you focus on providing value and not pitching and trying to sell your products aggressively it will start to attract people to you. However, another common mistake people make while building their home businesses is that they may have great content but no one is there to see it.

Blogging for example is a great way to engage an audience and provide value, and sell to an audience, but it’s not always the best way to build an audience. Unless you are an SEO master it can be hard to make money with just the act of writing a blog. With no audience built you can have the best blog posts in the world, but if no one, or your ideal target market, doesn’t see them it doesn’t really matter.

The 3rd step of a highly effective online marketing strategy is to finally sell to your audience once the first two steps are in place

Without a vehicle to sell to your audience or monetize your business you will find it hard to keep going. A major struggling point for most home business owners is that they focus on this aspect of selling first, rather than last.

You can put the same offer in front of someone who is cold market that has no trust, rapport, credibility, or relationship with you built, and get almost zero results, but if they do have that know, like, and trust factor built in you can sell a ton with the same exact offer.

An effective way to position these sales offers in your online marketing strategy can come in the form of an “oh by the way” offer. For example let’s say that you promote a coaching program. You can lead with your value based content and then at the end of the content you can have a call to action that is in the form of “oh by the way have you seen this…”

It could sound something like, “if you guys got value from these leadership tips, you can also learn more about joining my coaching program at www.coachmikemacdonald.com/workwithmike”

In this example your entire post isn’t about joining your coaching program, it’s providing value, and then at the end you have the “oh by the way” statement of “if you would like to learn more or like to take things to a higher level check out this ___.”  With this kind of approach you will never come off as pushy or overly aggressive and turn people off you are just simply trying to add more value on top of an already great thing.

Why having an online marketing strategy is important for your home business, because if you don’t follow this format you will end up pushing a lot of people away from wanting to buy from you or join your team, rather than drawing them to you.

If you are looking for an effective attraction marketing system that works, click here to learn more about the attraction marketing system I use and recommend.


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Mike MacDonald

Facebook: facebook.com/coachmikemacdonald

Email: [email protected]

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