
14 Easy Steps On How To Write The Perfect Blog Post Fast

Do you ever get writers block or wish you had a fast and easy way to write quality blog posts? Well in this post you’ll learn 14 easy steps on how to write the perfect blog post fast.

1. Pick your topic first to write a blog post fast

The first step of how to write a blog post is choosing your topic.  There are a variety of ways to decide what topic you should write about, but as a foundation you need to understand your target market.

Knowing what your target market’s pain points, needs, wants, and goals are is the foundation to building quality content. There are a few additional ways on how to research and write a blog post that you’ll learn here as well.

One option to pick a topic and capitalize on SEO is by typing your ideal topic into Google search.  When you do that then scroll all the way down to the very bottom of the page and you’ll see suggestions of other things people are searching for. 


This can be a great way to come up with new topic ideas related to your niche that people are already searching for.  If no one is actually looking for the kind of content you make it’s going to be hard to get any traffic to see it.

This should be a beginning step for how to research and write a blog post that people actually want to read. You can also do competitor research to come up with topic ideas as well.

Obviously don’t steal the exact same content from your competitors, but looking through some other leaders in your niche and their content can help you come up with ideas to write your blog posts on.

After you’ve done these first two steps for how to write a blog post fast, keep in mind what affiliate product offers or products you are trying to promote through your post.  You want your blog post to be congruent with offers you’re promoting so keep that in mind while choosing a topic.

2. What kind of quick win are you looking for your audience to get

Along the lines of picking a topic for your new blog post, consider what type of value and quick win you want your audience to achieve.  Anytime you create content, think about what’s in it for your audience and how is it going to help them.

Think about if you were back in their shoes, what would you wish you knew at that stage of your journey that you know now. An example if you were helping someone generate leads for the first time could be that you might also suggest they throw in a tripwire product for sale after generating a lead.

As someone new to building an email list it might not even occur to them that they should offer product for sale after someone becomes the lead.  This was a big eye-opener for me when I first learned about it, and that I could not only generate a lead, but actually start earning income before you even talk to that person.

These are the kind of things you want to think about that can help you with writing a blog post fast.

3. Set up a hook to keep your readers engaged

After you decided what the goal is of your post, your topic, and how you want to help your reader, you want to set up a hook in the beginning of the post keep your reader interested.

Writing the perfect blog posts all starts with the first few sentences of the post.  If someone doesn’t like the first few sentences of the post, they are going to leave your site.

Driving traffic to a post that no one sticks around to read, doesn’t really matter.  This is why you need to hook your reader in the first few sentences of your blog posts.

An effective way to do this is by asking a question relating to a pain point for your target audience.  For example if you were writing to target audience that wanted to lose weight.

You could ask a question along the lines of, “Are you sick of spending hours in the gym every week and seeing little to no progress in your weight loss results?   A major reason for this could be that your body is full of toxins and it’s time to detox. In this post you’ll learn 7 tips on how to you detox your body with red tea and to lose weight fast.”

This kind of hook does it good job to pull in your audience and reader and make them want to read the full post. They do this because they can learn how to avoid their pain point. Starting your blog post with an effective hook is one effective way how to write the perfect blog post.

4. Set up the sections of your blog post first before you start writing

Writing longer blog posts is an effective way to capitalize on SEO because there’s more content for Google to sift through and rank your post.  However, do you ever feel like it’s tough to write really long posts, or maybe you run into writers block while making the best blog post?

A very effective strategy to avoid writer’s block and how to write the best blog post is by breaking down your blog post into tiny chunks.

After you have your idea and topic you want to break down your blog post into many subtopics related to it.

For example you could write a blog post on tips for a better bench press. Bullet points throughout that perfect blog post could be things like:

  • How much should you lift
  • What is the number of sets you should do
  • How much rest should you take between reps and sets
  • What angles should you bench press at
  • How many days a week should you bench press

This gives you a great blog post template to write from and you can quickly fill in short paragraphs for each bullet point.

Ask yourself what further questions might my reader have based on a bullet point, or how can you take deeper on each point, and simply create a new bullet point for each one of those ideas you come up with.

This is a great way to write longer blog post fast, and can help you develop the perfect blog post very quickly. It’s much easier to write 10, 300 word paragraphs, than one 3000 word blog post.

5. Define your goal of the blog post and work backwards

Another way to write the perfect blog post fast is by understanding your goal of the blog post and working backwards.  Let’s say for example you wanted to sell your product on your blog post.

With that being your goal, you can start to work backwards and write your content based on that goal.  So in this case you might ask yourself what does a buyer of this product need to know?

What questions do people typically have in relation to the product you are selling? How does your product differ from your competitors products?  What does someone need to know after they purchase the product to get the best results?

Questions like these can help you write the perfect blog post because it’s what your reader is already thinking and wondering to themselves. By answering these questions not only does it give you ample things to talk about, it also gives you a great blog post template to follow.

Doing this can allow you to make bullet points as an outline for your blog post as well. As mentioned earlier this is one of the ways to write blog posts fast. From here you just simply make sure that each bullet point supports your ultimate goal of the post.

If you are writing blog posts to make money, you might also want to check out my post here.

6. Write your posts in Google Docs

Where you write your blog post might not sound like a big deal, but it really is. This is one of the secret hacks I use for how to write a blog post fast.  I’d recommend using Google Docs to write your blog post rather than writing them in WordPress alone.

There’s several reasons for this, one being that in Google Docs it continually saves your document. That way you don’t ever have to worry about losing it.  It also gives you the ability to write with talk to text.

This is actually my new favorite way to write blog posts, because you can write your blog post incredibly fast.  I consider myself a fast typer, but using talk-to-text takes things to a whole new level.

I found I can write a several thousand word blog post around 30 to 40 minutes. This is something that writing out manually would often take an hour or two before using this blogging hack.

You can use this strategy in conjunction with your outline to write out blog post very quickly.  For example I put out the bullet points for my blog post on WordPress, and then head over to Google Docs to write the content for each bullet point.

From there I can simply copy and paste the content and go through and edit everything later.  It’s a huge time saver that can help you write the best blog post fast.

7. Brain dump and get all your thoughts out

One pitfall a lot of people face while writing the perfect blog post is they spend a lot of time doing it. A shortcut to this effective way how to write a blog post fast is to simply brain dump your ideas out, and write your content about everything at once.

For example after I’ve outlined my bullet points, chosen a topic, and picked a goal for the blog post, I can just talk out the content from there. Getting all of your ideas and content down first and then worry about editing your post later will save you a lot of time.

It’s much easier to stay in the creative flow and write out your post all at once without stopping and continually editing and adding in links. If you’re promoting affiliate marketing or other product links throughout your post it’s much easier to write the post first and add that stuff in later.

That way you can start top to bottom and edit your post as you go once it’s finished. Another aspect to this is to optimize your post for SEO.  Trying to do this as you write to be difficult, I found it’s easier to have just a general idea of what SEO keywords you want to use, and then just write the post from there.

If you need to come back through and add specific words than later you can once the content is already there.  A cool plug-in to help you do this and that I frequently use is called Yoast SEO. See a full guide on Yoast SEO here

It’s free and can help you optimize your SEO throughout the page after you’ve written your blog post.

8. Write blog posts like a conversation

Another way to write the best blog post fast is to write in a way that is conversational.  Too many times people write a blog post and feel they need to write like a college professor or academic for it to be considered the perfect blog post.

However the majority of your audience likely isn’t a college English professor, so writing like one isn’t going to help your audience stick around. A simple way to get your audience to stay on your blog post longer is by writing conversationally.

An earlier hack I mentioned is using Google Docs and talk-to-text. This is the perfect way how to write a blog post fast and make it conversational. You should make sure that you write your blog posts like you were talking to a friend.

Simple and easy to understand is always best.  Unless you’re writing something like a medical journal,  or academic paper that needs to be to up to specific standard, treat it like a conversation.

It makes things easier to read and can keep your readers around longer on your post.  People like doing business with people they can relate to, and writing in a conversational style can help your readers feel that way.

9. Be you in your blog posts

You also want to be yourself,  and writing a conversational style can help you do this.  The perfect blog post doesn’t actually have to be perfect, funny enough.

People do business and buy from people they like, and you will resonate differently with different people.  You might promote the exact same product that someone else does, but they will by from you because it’s you versus buying from a competitor.

Keep this in mind while you are writing and it can help you write the best blog post very quickly.

10. Have a catchy title and description that shows up on Google

Having a catchy title and description is another way to get more traffic and a strategy for how to write the perfect blog post. Obviously having quality content is essential to the perfect blog post,  but if no one ever goes to your blog post because of a poor title and description it doesn’t matter.

One skill that can help you write better titles and content in general is copywriting.  This is basically the skill set of writing more persuasively. 

Whether you have products you sell or just want more people to visit your site copywriting, is one skill you should learn.  

A great book on copywriting I think everyone should read is called The Ultimate Sales letter by Dan Kennedy. You can pick up a copy and check out the current price over on Amazon here

To really learn copywriting, you might also want to check out this course.

Another cool tool you might want to check out is the headline analyzer from the advanced marketing institute. You can plug in a headline and it will give you a copy score for how it’s rated.

You can access the headline analyzer here. Yoast SEO that I mentioned earlier is another great way to edit the description that shows up on Google search.

Use your copywriting skills to write a sentence or two that builds curiosity and draws people into reading your blog posts. Combine your catchy title with a few SEO keywords and you’ll start bringing in traffic from google. 

11. Make your post easy to read

Another strategy for how to write the perfect blog post is to make your post clean and easy to read. You’ll probably have some blog posts that are rather long,  so making your blog posts easy to read it’s something you want to do.

When someone lands on your blog posts and they see one huge paragraph that’s thousands of words long, the likelihood they will stick around and read it is very small. A great blog post template to follow is to have many smaller paragraphs around 200 to 300 words long.

The Yoast SEO plug-in can also tell you that your section on each header is more than 300 words long.  The convenient aspect found under the readability section of the plugin.

On top of that you might want to throw in some bullet point sections in variety in your post to keep readers engaged.

12. Add pictures and videos

The perfect blog post also has a visuals and ideally videos as well in your post.  Making your blog post visually appealing is part of the perfect blog post format.

You don’t need to have hundreds of pictures or videos throughout the blog post, a few well-placed pictures and videos can go a long way to increase engagement on your blog post.

Using video marketing through YouTube and on your blog posts is another great way to build relationships with your audience and drive traffic.  You can simply create a video based on what your blog post talks about.

It’s a great way to double dip on your content and add videos to your blog posts.  

Additionally you can use pictures throughout your blog post increase effectiveness of SEO.  You can add different tags onto your pictures and keywords got it in them to increase SEO results.

The best blog posts use images and videos on them.

13. Use call to actions and offers throughout your post

If you’re not familiar with what a call to action is, it is basically where you tell someone to do something.  This is an effective strategy to drive traffic to affiliate offers, or even increase YouTube subscribers.

You want to put called actions throughout your blog post to things that are congruent with what your blog post talks about.  

For example if you wrote a blog post about  building a YouTube audience, you might have a call to action telling people to “click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Too many times I see new marketers either blogging or  using other forms of social media marketing that lack call the actions.  Simply adding and call the actions and go a long way to increase sales in sign ups for your business.  They can be equally effective to generate leads for your business as well.

Another cool strategy you can use for adding called actions into your blog post is through a P.S. line.  By simply adding a call to action at the bottom of every post with a p.s. line you can increase conversions,.

For example since this post is about how to write a perfect blog post fast, I could promote a blogging course in my p.s. line. “P.S. If you really want to get better results blogging, you should check out this course on blogging here.

Add in P.S. lines and call to actions to your perfect blog post template.

14. Edit your post and proof read, but it doesn’t have to be perfect

Last but not least you want to edit and proofread your blog post.  Once again you’re perfect blog post doesn’t actually have to be perfect, but you want to remove obvious problems.

Saving your editing for last It’s usually the best way to do it.  That way you can work your way from the top of the blog post to the bottom and edit as you go.

This is also a great time to add in affiliate links, further optimize SEO. Another cool feature that Yoast SEO has is the readability function.  It gives you suggestions on how to improve the readability of your blog post.

It’s another useful tool to help you write the best blog posts that are easy to read for your audience. It gives you suggestions like your sentences are too long,  using passive voice to much, and using transition words to name a few.

Start writing your blog post with these strategies you’ll be writing perfect blog posts in no time.

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Mike MacDonald


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P.S. If you aren’t generating leads for your business it’s because you don’t have a system in place to do it. CLICK HERE to set up the exact system I use to Rake In Quality Targeted Leads Daily

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