
6 Workable Ways To Improve Your Daily Productivity

You’re the first person to admit that when your motivation falls down you struggle to get it back up again. Productivity, when you own a small business, is absolutely vital, so you need to make sure you know how to handle your daily workload.

When you’re looking to improve efficiency in your small business, there are a number of things you can do. From hiring extra help to taking time out when it’s much needed, your daily productivity will soon go up if you focus on the following ways.

1. Hire More Help To Improve Productivity 

When you’re stuck on a particular task it can become extremely frustrating. You can waste a lot of time doing something you’re not entirely qualified to be doing. If you’re working in the medical sector it’s likely that there will be a lot of translation work for you to do so check out

Instead of struggling to work out the wording, hire some extra help to get your through. Soon enough you will have ticked off all the tasks on your to-do list without even breaking a sweat.

Certainly working in your strengths has its advantages, and outsourcing aspects of your business could be a solution to improving productivity. As an entrepreneur this can sometimes be a challenge as part of creating success is having an “if it’s meant to be, it’s up to me mentality.

I know I’ve struggled with the balance of doing what I know how to do and wanting it done to my standards, vs just having it done good enough to get results. There is a fine line to outsourcing successfully that can lead to increased productivity.

I’d recommend checking out this book Clockwork, as it really helped me to learn more on outsourcing successfully. Check it out on Amazon here.

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2. Write a Daily List

When you have a tangible list in front of you there will always be a much better chance of you getting the work done. Trying to wing your workload on a daily basis might leave you a little lost. When you write down everything you need to achieve, you will come out on top every single day.

The energy you need to put into planning out your day the day of can waste a lot of mental space. Planning out everything for the day can be a great way to stay on task and not have to worry about what you will do for the day.

When you don’t plan our your day you can often get thrown into reaction more. This is also a killer for success because instead of focusing on your goals and most important things for the day, you end up only doing “urgent” tasks.

Do you ever wake up and immediately check your email and then get sucked into one meaningless task after another, only to find half of your day wasted? This is what happens when you don’t plan out your day in advance.

Along with this when you plan out your day first you can focus on the top income producing activities. These are the tasks you should be doing first and letting the rest fill in after.

A great book I’d recommend to expand on this concept further is called Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. Check out the current price on Amazon HERE.

3. Don’t Say Yes to Everything

You can’t always say yes to every business deal and offer that is presented to you. Be picky about what you choose to do and don’t feel inclined to do it all. Put your energy into a couple of ventures and you will do a much better job.

Unfortunately, many of us fall into the trap of being a people pleaser and get sucked into doing tasks that are outside of what we should be doing. As a leader in your business, you will need to develop the ability to say no to tasks.

Again you want to focus on your most income-producing activities during your day, and as your organization grows you will be routinely pulled away from those tasks. Staying focused on the highest priority things is something you must do to increase productivity in your business.

4. Keep Your Equipment And Systems Up To Date

There is nothing worse than working with slow or faulty machinery; it can really put a stop to your entire day. Keep your equipment up to date and you won’t have to worry about it hindering your daily task list.

Staying ahead of the game with your business systems can help you increase productivity as well. One aspect that held the growth of my business back was always trying to be cheap with my business.

There were many times when I could have invested in tools and systems that would have made things faster and easier, but I chose to be cheap and do things manually instead. This cost me a lot of time and when I finally pulled the trigger and invested back into my business things really started to take off from there.

A couple of tools I decided to move forward with that really helped take my business to the next level were things like an email autoresponder, sales funnel system, and CRM. These tools helped me to automate a majority of the lead generation side of my business and allowed me to spend more time presenting to potential customers, vs trying to find people to talk to about my business.

I’d also recommend checking out this post on 9 online marketing investments I wish I made sooner to help you avoid some of the mistakes I made in the beginning.

5. Make the Most of Your Time

Remove distractions from your workspace so that you can really focus. When you’re in work mode you should aim to get as much done in the time you have allocated to yourself.

Multitasking can also be a killer of productivity in your business. Often the mental energy it takes to continually switch gears from thing to thing can slow down results in your business.

Block scheduling could be a great solution for you with this part of your business. By having set times you can put your full focus on the task at hand, you’d be surprised by how much you can get done.

Determine what tasks you need to get done, and the quality of the tasks, putting income-producing ones first, and then schedule your blocks of focus from there. Following this block scheduling method can be a great way to increase productivity in your business.

6. Take a Break When You Need It

For us diehard entrepreneurs, taking a break can often be one of the hardest things to do. It can be tough to shut off self-motivation, but sometimes taking some time off can be the best thing for you.

Taking a vacation could actually be a great way to increase your productivity. As the saying goes, “all work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” If you’re looking for some great ways to save on your next vacation, check out this vacation club.

There are so many reasons why you need to take a break when you’re a busy business owner. Your productivity levels go down significantly when you’re overtired so that’s why it’s important to take time out. When you come back with a refreshed mind you will be so much more motivated and productive.

So instead of racking your brain to complete a task that seems impossible, why not ask for help? Instead of working until late at night with no sleep, why not take a break?

By implementing these strategies you are not only improving your business, but your mental wellbeing will soon improve too. Explore these six workable ways to get your business productivity boosted and you will have a more effective working day in no time.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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