
Are you sure you have the Mindset of an Entrepreneur?

The mindset of an entrepreneur is not only a growth mindset but a long term mindset

Are you sure you have the Mindset of an Entrepreneur, entrepreneur mindset, growth mindset, mindset, mindset training, mindset tips

Today’s mindset tip is one of developing a long term growth mindset and really knowing what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Basically most people don’t think about past their next paycheck. If you aren’t getting paid by the hour you feel cheated and that it isn’t worth your time…maybe entrepreneurship is not for you. The mindset of an entrepreneur is different, they focus on the long term vision of how things can be once they put the time in a build the foundation for success. Entrepreneurs think like farmers. They don’t look for the instant payout or how they can get rich quick, they have a growth mindset and realize that things of greatness take time to build.

With an entrepreneur mindset you aren’t just focused on yourself

Besides not having a short term mindset, the mindset of an entrepreneur differs in the fact that they look at how can they create systems that will work and grow with or without themselves. Their growth mindset isn’t limited to just what can they do, it goes beyond that and looks at what could an organization do if they lead the way. Another mindset tip that entrepreneurs do is they think “we” not “me”. If you focus solely on how great you can be and how much better things are when you take charge you are limiting how big you will grow. Look beyond your own skill set. Obviously improving yourself and personal development and having a growth mindset in regards to yourself is important, however if you ignore bringing others with you it will hinder how successful you and your team can be. The mindset of an entrepreneur thinks about how can we all be great and bring everyone to the top level. When you invest in the development of your team you can eventually walk away and not have to be as hands on but the same quality work gets done.

Entrepreneurial success, especially in a home business requires a short term sacrifice mentality and a long term growth mindset

Long term success as an entrepreneur in a home business will require some short term sacrifices. Again you can look to farming like the mindset of an entrepreneur. Just like in farming success will require a season of sacrifice. That sacrifice could be different for every person. Maybe for you it is sacrificing going out to the bars with your friends on the weekends and putting time in your business. Maybe for you it’s getting up an hour earlier each day and focusing on income producing activities for your business. Maybe for you it’s investing your extra money into your personal development and taking training courses to increase your skills. Everyone’s journey will be different and a different season and sacrifices will be needed for each person. Just understand that the mindset of an entrepreneur is different and you will need to shift yours if you want to create the same kinds of success in your life and business.

Are you on Periscope? I have been doing a few extra trainings on there as well. If you would like to follow me on Periscope and watch my broadcasts live my username is @mikemacdirect 

If you happened to have missed my earlier Periscope trainings, you can actually watch all of my saved video replays over at http://www.Katch.me/mikemacdirect

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Mike MacDonald

Email: [email protected]

“I help people become Financially Free and Live Full Time!  Helping you create a better tomorrow through a better you!”

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P.S. If you want to take your leadership mindset even further and Learn How to Become a Top Earner, Check out my Top Earner Mindset Mastery Training Here!

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