MarketingSmall Business

Can You Cut Employee Issues Out The Business Algorithm? Yes!

Employees and indeed the business team can create massive headaches for the owner of any company. When you have employees in your business, you bring in problems associated with human error and human behavior.

This could be anything from workplace injuries to trouble with harassment. But are there ways to cut out the trouble here and make sure that your business staff stays healthy? Yes, there is and we’re going to show you how. Take this advice and your business team won’t cause the common company problems that most managers must endure.

Employee Churn

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What is employee churn? Employee churn refers to the levels of employees that leave your business annually. This could be because they are looking for fresh opportunities elsewhere or because they are simply not happy with your business environment and the company that you are running.

Employee churn is a massive headache for every business owner. It costs an absolute fortune to retrain and rehire staff in your company. So, you want to keep churn as low as possible but how do you do this?

The latest research suggests that it might be all to do with the hiring practices at the start of the funnel. It depends largely on how you are choosing the candidates who move forward. Of course, the first step is finding a professional, specific recruitment agency and you can click here to find more about this.

Look at your business hiring practice and it’s possible that traits are considered that have absolutely no relevance on if someone will stay in a job more than a year. The key to finding out who will lies in data sources. Using big data, you can build up personality models of people who would be best suited for long term positions in your business. You’ll be able to cut the costs down to size if you do this.

Employee Injuries

Another big issue related to employees is certainly issues with health and safety. You don’t want to be in a position where countless injuries are occurring in your business every year.

First, the lawsuits you’ll face can be tremendous and enough to cripple the bottom line of your business. Indeed, personal injury lawsuits can have damages that are as high as five hundred thousand each. That’s not including the potential legal lawsuits that you’ll have to pay on top of that. It’s certainly enough to weigh down a small or average sized company.

So, how do you dodge this issue? Well, first, you should make sure that you are appointing and hiring a health and safety officer. A health and safety officer will make sure that your company is completely protected and the hazards are dealt with before they become an incident.

You should also make sure that you invest in health and safety training. The majority of incidents and issues in the business office will be caused by human error. You can avoid this by making sure that employees know how to handle and avoid an injury.

Don’t forget that it’s not just physical injuries that you need to worry about. You should also be prepared for trouble with sickness. Sickness can spread quickly around a business office and knock out more than half of your business workforce in a matter of days. If that happens, you’ll need to work hard to correct the issue.

You can do this by implementing high hygiene standards. As well as this, you should make sure that the office environment is cleaned regularly. Remember, when employees are off sick, then you will be facing lower levels of productivity and potentially, lost profits.

Unhappy Workers

It probably sounds silly, but happy workers really are the best option for your business. When workers are happy, they will be able deliver a higher output and provide the best possible service to your clients. This is exactly what you want but how do you make sure that’s what happens?

Well, first you have to keep a check on your employees and their job satisfaction levels. To do this, it’s best to invest in automated software. This can be used to check on both their progress and their mental well-being through the day. If you do that, you’ll be able to find out whether there are in issues in your office that need to be quickly rectified.

We hope this helps you see that issues caused by employees can be dealt with before they actually grow into a problem. This is simply a matter of taking the right steps and working to build up your business team the right way. While it can be tricky to get ahead of issues like this, it will provide tremendous benefits for your company.

Consider a home business without employees and staff

Certainly this option may not be for everyone, but you could also choose to start a business like affiliate marketing where you don’t need a huge staff or team to be successful. With affiliate marketing you are simply the bridge from customer to the business owner.

With affiliate marketing you can choose to promote other’s products and services, and when they buy what you recommend you get paid. This kind of business can be built with very small overheads from a few tools to automate much of your business.

This can eliminate the need to deal with major employee issues all together. Some of the tools you’ll want to start this kind of business are an email autoresponder, and sales funnel system, and then just a product to promote.

If you’d like to learn more about this kind of business, you might want to check out my Affiliate Marketing Beginners Guide.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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P.S. If you don’t yet have an affiliate marketing business, but would like to learn how to start one and make money from home, CLICK HERE

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