
Common Pitfalls Small Business Owners Can Fall Into

Even with the chance of running into a small business pitfall, starting your own business could be the best thing you’ve ever done. Along with more money, there is flexibility, job satisfaction and the ability to get creative and do things in your own way.

But it’s not always plain sailing, many small businesses don’t make it past the first year. In many cases due to silly and avoidable mistakes. Simply as they didn’t know any better. Give yourself the best chance of success by being aware of what some of these problems are. Below are a few examples of the most common small business pitfalls (and how you can avoid them!)

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Small Business Pitfall 1- Lack Of Education

You don’t necessarily need education in business to set up a successful company but its always going to help. Before starting a venture, why not do a course (either online or at university) to give you some kind of background knowledge?

It could be on leadership, accounting, marketing any area you like. You may have a broad skill set but lack in some areas vital to the business you are creating, so consider all the skills you will need.

Then you can decide on which area you need to improve, so you can be prepared in all areas. Even if you outsource or hire employees to run these areas day-to-day, it’s useful for you to have at least some knowledge of how they work to make the best decisions for your company overall. 

A basic understanding will allow you to at least know if a job is being done right or not. From there you can decide to hire someone else for a job or adjust accordingly.

Scrimping On Important Areas Is Another Common Pittfall For Small Business

You won’t have a huge budget when you first start your own business, so every penny needs to be spent wisely. There are some areas where you can’t really scrimp, and the first is your website.

This is the first thing people will see when they come in contact with your business, and a slow amateur looking site can put them off at the first hurdle. By using companies offering services like premium WordPress hosting as well as professional web designers you can achieve a site to be proud of.

You will have covered an important task for presenting a well-thought-out and professional site, that runs smoothly and efficiently even if it means spending a little more.

Another option is to set up a sales funnel system to promote your business. This is like your own website but more plug and play and a bit more simplified. The great option of using a sales funnel system is that you don’t have to be techy, or know anything about website design or graphic design to get started.

With a sales funnel system, you can start to have a professional looking site up to generate leads, sales, and signups on autopilot in a matter of minutes. If you don’t yet have a sales funnel system set up for your business check out this free 14-day trial of one I recommend.

Another Common Small Business Pitfall is Lack Of Market Research

You might think your product is a fantastic idea, but others might not agree. Before launching be sure to do your market research.

Testing your product out on an audience before you manufacture a large number of products is advisable for your costs, no one wants to be stuck with any amount of unsellable stock.

Don’t try and cut costs on your market research as this can have a negative impact on your business. If you think this is beyond your capabilities consider hiring a good market research agency or professional with experience to do it for you.

The foundation of this market research should be focused on understanding your target market, and ideal customer’s needs, goals, common questions, and problems.

When you understand these things you can then focus on creating content that provides solutions to your target market’s problems. This can help you develop credibility, trust, and rapport. This makes the selling process much easier.

Running a small or home business is a venture to be proud of, so don’t let known pitfalls or lack of knowledge spoil it for you. Be prepared and hire people if you don’t have the expertise yourself, so your business runs with the least of problems.

This is your personal venture into the business world and flexibility and job satisfaction can be yours to have. Good preparation and planning will help make it a successful one.


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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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P.S. If you don’t yet have a home business but are looking to start one and would like to work directly with me and my team click here to learn more. 

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