
Establishing Yourself as an Expert in Your Field

When people encounter a specific problem in their lives, they try to seek out expert advise wherever they can find it. In many cases, they are willing to pay companies to solve their issues for them.

So, establishing yourself as an expert in your field is one of the most valuable tasks which you can undertake as a business owner. Of course, with so many people trying to do exactly the same thing, you are going to have to work hard to succeed in this particular task.

But once you have got a strong reputation, people will begin to recognize your name as well as the name of your business – just take a look at Jozef Opdeweegh. To give you a helping hand, here are just a few of the things which you can do to establish your expertise.

Write a Book

If you have written a book on a specific subject, this will go along way towards showing people that you know what you are talking about – even if they have never read it before!

You can offer copies of your book when you go to meetings or simply ensure that the title of the book is mentioned whenever you give interviews. Thanks to self-publishing and ebooks, it is easier than ever to turn yourself into an author, so if this has been at the back of your mind for a while, it is certainly worth doing.

Publish Articles For Establishing Yourself as an Expert

If you don’t have it in you to write a book at the moment, the very least that you should be doing is to publish some articles. This allows you to both share your opinions and reach a wider audience of potential clients.

Online titles are great, but there are still plenty of print publications as well which accept submissions, so don’t overlook these. Your other option to get your opinions seen is to host your own blog.

Of course, if you are planning on going down this particular path, you also need to make sure that you work on the promotion of your blog to grow your readership.

Having a blog is great, but if no one ever sees it or reads it, it doesn’t matter. You still need to follow the 3 foundations of building your business online. Building your audience, engaging your audience, and finally selling to your audience.

A blog can be great at engaging your audience and selling to your audience, but you’ll want to promote your blog elsewhere to get people to see it. You might like to check out this course on the 3 minute expert, which is all about establishing yourself as an expert through blogging.

Create a YouTube Channel to establish yourself as an expert in your field

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If you are more of a speaker than a writer, you could look into creating your own YouTube channel so that you can convey information in this way. ‘How To’ topics are particularly popular, and if you can help people to overcome their issues and problems, this will go a long way towards them putting their trust in you.

Video marketing is a great way to establish trust credibility and rapport with your audience. They can see you, hear you, and get to know you quickly, and it works for you on a 24/7 basis.

When you are creating your videos, you need to ensure that they are both slick and professional as you will be facing a lot of competition. At the same time, get started somewhere. Don’t feel like everything has to be perfect before you start your YouTube channel

You can always improve your videos and content as you go along. Even if your initial videos aren’t that great, practice is one of the best ways to improve and develop your skills. 

If you prefer to speak in person, you could always put yourself forward to speak at conferences and similar events instead.

Teach Classes and Workshops

Sometimes, you can’t get as much information across as you would like in a single talk or article. If you want to go into more detail and you think that you are able to attract a wide enough audience, you could always teach some classes and workshops.

Not only is teaching a fantastic way to establish your authority, a lot of people find it to be very rewarding as well. You may be able to charge for these classes or else offer them for free, deciding that the marketing opportunity is reward enough.

Give Interviews To Promote Yourself and Establish Yourself as an Expert

The more interviews that you give on your chosen subject, the more likely it is that you are going to be able to establish yourself as the type of expert that you would like. And there are all sorts of publications out there which are crying out for people to give comments, share their opinions etc.

Of course, you should try to target the type of publications which are most likely to be read and appreciated by your target market.

So, these are just some of the ways in which you are going to be able to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Ultimately, this is always going to be something which is worth the effort, since you can then promote yourself and your business at the same time.

You should use a wide variety of different techniques as it is going to take a great deal of time and effort to establish the kind of reputation that you would like.  

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Mike MacDonald


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