
Follow These Four Facts To Avoid Freebie Failure

“We need traffic and we need it fast. I know, we can give away freebies and attract customers that way. Everyone loves a gift which doesn’t cost a penny. How can a freebie fail?”

On the face of it, a promotional gift doesn’t seem as if it can’t be successful. Shoppers get a product which adds value, promotes brand awareness, and makes the company appear philanthropic.

Anybody who argues against that is a tough nut to crack. However, lots of people aren’t won over by freebies and it boils down to one thing: they aren’t easy.

The fact that a present is free isn’t the only thing they want from a gift. These are what they’re also looking for.

Fill A Hole In Your Prospects Problems

This can be literal and figurative. Metaphorically, people need things which can solve a problem in their life. It doesn’t have to be huge, a pen is a lifesaver at times, plus it’s sleek and doesn’t cause them any harm to carry it in their bag or pocket. Literally speaking, it’s about targeting their stomach.

Using scenting by AromaTech techniques, you can draw them in and then satisfy their curiosity with a small sample. Although it’s relatively tiny and cheap, the right smells and tastes will keep the brand in their head for a long while.

Add Value To Your Target Market With Your Lead Magnet Or Freebie

The most important thing is to add value to the experience. Yes, cementing the brand is essential too, but it won’t work if they don’t like the gift in the first place. Let’s go back to promotional pens.

Everybody has hundreds of them lying around the house taking up space. As a result, they aren’t as effective because of the saturation of the market. A t-shirt, on the other hand, has a novelty factor and stands out as something substantial. Plus, they’ll advertise the brand for the business if they wear it in public.

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Be Cheap

Okay, shoppers aren’t looking for freebies to be cheap. The more expensive the better because it implies the quality is high. Still, consumers don’t want to find a firm they like and trust and then see it go out of business.

What’s the point in the freebie in the first place if the company isn’t going to be around for the long-term? Creating prototypes is costly so it’s vital to set out a budget and not go over the amount. Look for cheap suppliers or manufacturers, or cut out the middleman and go straight to a wholesaler.

Another great option is to use information products as your free give away or lead magnet. The beauty of this form of lead generation is that you give away something free, that was also most likely free for you to create as well.

Take your specialized knowledge from your business and turn it into an ebook, pdf, video training, or even audio training. This may take you a few hours but it can help you generate thousands of leads for your home business in the future!

Effective social media marketing with a freebie offer can be an integral part of your marketing plan.


There is nothing worse than receiving a gift you don’t like or want. To not hurt people’s feelings, you keep it and never throw it in the trash yet never use it either. It’s in limbo.

This is where freedom of choice comes into play. Browsers much prefer choosing an item themselves as they’ll pick something they need. Straight away, this tackles the problem of adding value.

The key is to have four or five different products on offer at any one time. Freebies are fantastic when they are useful. Otherwise, they’re pretty pointless.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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