
How to do Twitter marketing and using Twitter in marketing your business

Have you ever considered using twitter in marketing your business or wondered how to do twitter marketing? In this post I’ll cover a simple twitter strategy for business, and answer the question of why use twitter for business.

Twitter Strategy for business: Utilize a pinned tweet to generate leads

One simple strategy to use in Twitter marketing, is by having your pinned tweet be a lead magnet. If you don’t know what a lead magnet is, it is some kind of value you offer to your target market, in exchange for their name, email, and phone number.

Why a pinned tweet as a lead magnet is such an effective Twitter strategy for business, is that it gets continual exposure to your followers. A large percentage of people who follow you, like your content, or that you follow, will eventually look at your twitter profile.

This great because every time someone goes to your profile or new people that haven’t seen you before they are exposed to your lead magnet. A large traffic source to your lead magnet creates lots of leads, sales and sign ups for your business on autopilot.

Leverage through Twitter in marketing your business can be a great way to create passive leads and sales for your business. Apply using your pinned tweet to get leads as a very effective way hot to use Twitter for business marketing.

How to use Twitter for business marketing: Use your Bio as free advertising

Using you bio description as free advertising is a great way how to do Twitter marketing. Certainly use your Twitter bio to tell a little about yourself, but that can be limited to a few words.

I personally say that I’m a Nerd, Gamer, and Home Business coach. It’s pretty simple and to the point, and then the rest of my bio description I can use as a Twitter strategy for business building.

You are allowed to put a link in your bio description in addition to your website. This gives you two options for you profile alone to do Twitter marketing.

One of the best Twitter marketing tips you can implement in your business is to add a lead magnet to your bio description. Then do a majority of your bio describing your lead magnet website link.

For example this is my full Twitter bio, “Gamer, Nerd,  Coach. Learn How to Get Fresh Leads,  & Sign-Ups in YOUR  – FREE Training: 

Twitter marketing tips: Have your website just go to your homepage or blog

With the options of using your bio description and pinned tweet for a lead magnet, it’s usually optional to just use your website link option to go to your website homepage or blog.

You can certainly use it to go wherever you want, but sending it to a lead magnet could be counterproductive. The reason for this is that your Twitter follower won’t know what that link is for, without any description of it.

However, when you use it to just go to your site or blog that’s pretty self explanatory. Doing this is a good Twitter strategy for business because you will get more clicks and you should have a lead magnet on your site’s home page anyway.

This will help you increase traffic and that is probably the best use of Twitter in marketing.

The best use of Twitter in marketing and Twitter marketing is driving traffic

Most online marketers constantly talk about traffic, traffic, traffic. While traffic is certainly important, most marketers put too much emphasis on it, before other key foundations in their business are met.

You can learn the 6 pillars of online business HERE. Traffic is essential but it is the final pillar of an effective online marketing strategy.

Twitter marketing can be an effective place to drive traffic to your offers and business. The great part about Twitter in marketing, is that you can automate a lot of the processes.

There are certainly limits to how you automate your Twitter strategy for business, but one of the ways is through automating content distribution. You can set up twitter marketing tools like social jukebox to set up large quantity of content reserves and distribute them on autopilot.

This is a great way how to use Twitter for business marketing because it can create leverage of your content distribution. You could spend all day manually writing content to place on Twitter, but you probably have better income producing activities.

This can be great as twitter marketing for small business, because as a small business owner you have to wear many hats and your time is spread thin. Automating this part of Twitter in marketing can be a huge time saver while sharing value to your target market.

How to use Twitter for business marketing: Thank new followers and offer value

Why use Twitter for business? You can thank new followers and offer them more value to build relationships, generate leads, and drive traffic.

This Twitter strategy for business consists of thanking new followers and sending them something valuable to solve their problems or connect with you further. The emphasis on this Twitter marketing strategy is VALUE!

Too many times people send a spammy link that directs someone immediately to buy something. This could drive traffic, but also most likely will annoy most of your new followers.

A more subtle way to do this without being as spammy is to offer something of value to your new followers or invite them to connect on other social media channels.

When you do this, always keep in mind the concept of what’s in it for them. For example if you wanted to drive traffic to your YouTube channel, while providing value, you can do that with a thank you message.

It could sound something like this, “Thanks for following me! Also if you like our Tweets, you might also want to check out our YouTube Channel at While you’re there you can access hundreds of hours of more free marketing training to help you grow your business faster.”

In this sort of message you are driving traffic to your YouTube channel, but doing it in a non-spammy way because you are positioning it with the benefits they will get for doing so. Don’t be spammy, lead with value as an effective way to use Twitter for marketing.

If Twitter marketing is something you’d like to implement in your business, I’d recommend taking this courseIt’s helped me build to over 80,000 followers on Twitter and generate thousands of leads and bring in new sales and sign ups for my business.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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