
How To Make $100 A Day On YouTube With Affiliate Marketing

How to make $100 a day on YouTube is not only possible, there are many ways to do it. One of the most effective ways for how to make $100 a day on YouTube is with affiliate marketing. In this post you’ll learn how to make money with YouTube and affiliate marketing.

Why video marketing

Before we get into how to make money with affiliate marketing on YouTube, you need to understand why video marketing is important to begin with.  The foundation is that people do business with those that they know, like, and trust.

Video marketing is one of the best ways to develop this relationship with your list. Video is one of the quickest ways to develop rapport with a viewer, because they also know that you’re a real person.

People want to do business with people not just faceless companies.  This is why video marketing should be included in all of your marketing efforts.

Video marketing is also one of the best ways to make money with affiliate marketing.  With the right strategies and tools in place you can be making $100 a day on YouTube with affiliate marketing in no time.

Why YouTube?

Now that you understand why video marketing is so powerful, you might be wondering why YouTube.  There are several reasons. One of the most important reasons is that it is evergreen content.

Basically this means that you can make a video once and it can continue to work for you and make money and generate leads and sales forever.  This can create a massive amount of leverage because the more videos you create, the more opportunities there are for people to buy products and services from you.

This means that overtime you can be building an army of videos that continue to bring in sales and money for your business that work for you 24/7.

Another benefit to using YouTube, is that it is one of the largest search engines in the world.  It’s number two only the Google. This means that as you create content, you can start to attract highly-targeted viewers.

You should make content that solves your target markets problems and then you offer an affiliate product for sale after the content. As you continue to do this and make content that solves your target market’s problems and direct them to offers after it, you can start to generate sales on autopilot. 

This is a simple way how to start making $100 a day on YouTube in combination with affiliate marketing.

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How to structure your YouTube video to make money

Now that you’re going to start making YouTube videos, you might be wondering how the structure them to make money.  There is a simple four step process to making a YouTube video that can make you money.

I first learned this concept from Mark Harbet. The first step of the process is to have an intro.  This step is very simple as you just introduce yourself.

For example it might sound something like, “Hey guys this is Mike from” If you don’t have a website yet, you can say where you are from, or the company you work with as well.

The next step is to ask a question to your viewer you hook them into your video.  Ideally you want to ask a question in relation to a pain point, or something that helps your viewer reach a desire faster.

An example of this could be, “Do you struggle with how to structure your videos on YouTube to maximize profits?” If your viewer isn’t hooked on your video in the first few seconds they will leave.  That’s why asking a question is powerful way to keep them engaged on your content.

Steps 3 and 4 of the video marketing formula to make money on YouTube

The third step is to simply answer your question that you initially asked. Answer it through your content of the video.  a\As you answer questions and solve problems for your viewers, it will develop a lot of trust and rapport. This is the foundation to making money through YouTube.

The fourth step is to use a call of action and direct your viewer to do something.  This could be leading them to an affiliate product to buy, visiting a website, or directing them at to a lead magnet. 

All of these actions can be an effective way to make money through YouTube.  They also all work together as a foundation for making $100 a day on YouTube.

What is affiliate marketing

I mentioned it a couple times, but you might not know what exactly affiliate marketing is.  Basically affiliate marketing is when a company has products or services for sale, and allows people to become affiliate and promote those for the company.

Typically they will give you sales pages and links that lead to offers that convert.  As an affiliate you can drive traffic to these affiliate offers and when someone buys them you earn money.

The cool thing is as you decide on an niche and target market you want to create content for, there should be a large variety of affiliate products you can promote to make money.

A great resource that has a huge library on affiliate products you can promote is called ClickBank.  After you find your target market and niche, simply choose an affiliate product that solves their problem or that helps them reach their goals faster.

Then you can make a YouTube video that provides more information and value on the topic. Then as your call-to-action promote someone to buy the affiliate product that further solves their problem.

If you’d like to learn more about setting up an affiliate marketing business and finding products to promote on ClickBank check out this training here.

You might also like to check out my affiliate marketing beginners guide here.

Why affiliate marketing

You might also be wondering why to use affiliate marketing as your strategy to make $100 a day on YouTube versus something else. Well one reason why affiliate marketing is so powerful is that the setup sales process is already done for you.

With a traditional business it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars if not even millions of dollars to get things off the ground.  With affiliate marketing, the start-up costs are typically low and in some cases even free to start promoting.

Certainly having some tools in the place Will help you make money faster on YouTube what’s affiliate marketing. I’ll cover more of those tools later in this post.

Another advantage using an affiliate marketing business as a means to make $100 a day on YouTube is don’t have to worry about setting up the back end. Things like processing credit cards or collecting payment from your buyers. 

Typically businesses you are an affiliate for have all of those things set up for you.  For example with ClickBank, like I mentioned earlier, has all of those things in place.

So when you promote products through them you don’t have to worry about the back end things.  At that point ClickBank or the business that you are an affiliate for, will simply take a small percentage of the profits you make as you sell their products.

With all these advantages affiliate marketing can be a great place to start if you’re looking to make money online through YouTube.   If you don’t yet have an affiliate marketing business setup and I’m looking to start one click here to learn how to make money from home with affiliate marketing.

How to promote affiliate marketing on YouTube

If you are deciding to use affiliate marketing as a way to make money on YouTube,  there’s a right and a wrong way to do it. Too many times people jump into pitch mode and focus only on trying to get people to buy their products.

Unfortunately, in most cases this ends up pushing people away from buying your products and services rather than attracting them to you.  The foundation to selling on YouTube and through social media is by leading with value first.

Create content that helps solve your target markets pain points and reach their goals faster. Then you simply offer your affiliate products or service as a next step up from your free content.

To get the best results you want to focus on the four-step video marketing strategy I mentioned above. Then as your call-to-action lead people into buying for affiliate products.  This is one of the best strategies and effective ways for how to make $100 a day on YouTube with affiliate marketing.

What products should you pick to promote

I briefly mentioned it earlier, but another common question that people have with affiliate marketing is what products should you promote.  The foundation to success in affiliate marketing is to promote products that are congruent with your content and your target market.

An example of creating something that would be congruent is if your target market was in health and fitness and weight-loss and you promoted a weight loss product. Another option for a good affiliate marketing product in this case would be a workout program.

In this case your target market wants to lose weight, so promoting a weight loss product makes sense.   However I often see people trying to promote affiliate products that aren’t congruent and that don’t fit with their target market.

Doing this will keep you struggling with affiliate marketing.  However, when you do find products that are congruent it works well. Focus on products that solve your target markets problems as one of the best ways to make money with affiliate marketing.  

When you combine this with the strategies mentioned above, it is a great way how to make $100 a day on YouTube with affiliate marketing.

Don’t limit yourself to only low ticket products

Another thing to keep in mind that could be keeping you from making $100 a day on YouTube is the product you’re promoting is small. There are a couple strategies to make income with affiliate marketing on YouTube.

You can sell many small products for tiny profit, or you can sell a few larger ticket items at a much higher profit.  If you’re banking on selling many small products, it could take quite a long time making $100 a day on YouTube.

With higher ticket items you could sell one product and make several hundred dollars in one sale.  This could be a quicker strategy to make higher profits on YouTube.

There is certainly nothing wrong with selling smaller products on a larger scale, but it just requires many sales to make a large income.  This is why as a strategy, you may want to add in a higher ticket item as well. 

That way you can bring in profits faster when you’re just getting started as your sales process in the beginning is typically not as effective. A mixture of low ticket products and higher ticket products tends to work best. 

If you’d like to learn more about building an affiliate marketing business and taking advantage of higher ticket sales click here.

Some tools to use as as a way how to make $100 a day on YouTube with affiliate marketing easier

As I mentioned earlier there are some tools that you can use as a way how to make money on YouTube faster with affiliate marketing. Some of the best low-cost tools you will want to set up to make money on YouTube easier, are things like a sales funnel system and email autoresponder.

Using the fourth step of the video marketing formula I mentioned earlier you direct someone with a call to action.  With this you can send someone directly to a sales page. This can work sometimes, but it often has a lower ratio of someone buying immediately.

A higher-level strategy is to send someone to a capture page through a sales funnel system vs just a sales page. With a sales funnel system in place you could send someone to a free offer that helps your target market achieve results faster. From there direct your new leads to your affiliate offer for sale. This will result in a higher conversion rate and help you make money faster with affiliate marketing.  

Increase conversions with affiliate marketing through an email autoresponder

You’ll want use a sales funnel system in conjunction with an email autoresponder. Then when someone signs up for your free offer you collect their email at the same time.

Now that they are on your email list it gives you the ability to re-market valuable content and your affiliate offers to that person. 

Most people don’t buy on the first time they see you’re offer through your YouTube marketing. However, after you have captured their information with a sales funnel system you can focus on re-marketing to them through your email list.

Following this strategy your conversion this will dramatically increase. The combination of these tools as well as YouTube marketing is one of the best ways of how to make $100 a day on YouTube with affiliate marketing.  

If you would like to set up a sales funnel system check out this 14-day free trial of Clickfunnels.

As for the email autoresponder I’d recommend using Aweber.  I’ve been using it for years and it’s simple to set up if you are just beginner with affiliate marketing.  You can get your first 30 days for free of Aweber here.

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Mike MacDonald



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P.S. If you don’t yet have an affiliate marketing business, but would like to learn how to start one and make money from home, CLICK HERE

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