
Modern Ways To Market Your Startup

When you’re just starting out in business there is a lot to be doing and marketing your startup. You need to get the word out there that you are doing what you’re doing. Letting everyone know about your business is the first step of how to market your start up business.

But when you are looking to keep your costs down as much as possible (which all startups will want to), you need to be looking for advertising and marketing that is going to give you the biggest bang for your buck.

So what are some of the best things to be doing to market your startup? In the modern age that we are living in, there are plenty of ways to market your business that are cost-efficient, that you might not have thought about before.

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Using Online Influencers for marketing your startup


You can spend a lot of money on advertising when you first start out. But how do you know who your ad is going to be reaching? When you do a general ad for a magazine or TV, it could reach anyone, whether they are your target audience or not.

When you are marketing to everyone you are really marketing to no one. This means as part of your strategy to market your startup, you should define a specific target market.

You can also start using influencers online to help market and advertise your products or business, it can be a cost-effective way of doing things. The influencer should haven built up a significant following online, and you can choose the ones that have a following specific to your niche.

Their followers are likely to be interested in it if it is relevant for them (and if it comes recommended from an Instagrammer that they admire). This can help you drive more target traffic to your website and it can be a great way how to market your startup business. 

The is a great strategy for marketing your startup in the beginning because you might not have a following established for yourself yet. As your business grows, you can do influencer marketing through your own accounts!

Content is King – Use Content marketing to market your startup business

It is still important to reach people through the content that you create online, through blogs and other mediums.

You can market your business or products through a blog, website, and sites like LinkedIn, all at a pretty low cost.

An advantage to blogging as a medium to market your startup, is that it can work for you 24/7. With a blog you can make valuable content that your target market will be interested in. While they are on your blog you can offer them your products and services.

Not only that, but content can help you to be found on search engines and makes it more likely that your site will rank higher, when there is more new and relevant content for Google to find.

If you are new to blogging you might want to check out my other post that answers the question of can blogging make money?


SEO Your Site as another effective way how to market your startup business

In a similar vein, SEO for your business is really important too. When you’re found online, it makes it much easier to find customers.

This can be done through your content, as Google likes lots of fresh and regular content, as well as through backlinks to your website. The more content marketing you have on your site, the more opportunites you have to be discovered on Google and to utilize SEO. 

I look at it like every time you put out a piece of content on your site it is just another billboard marketing your startup on a 24/7 basis. The more fishing poles you have in the water the better!

But you need to think about things like Google maps marketing for when people search for you online.

Being able to appear on Google maps, where your store or office is when you someone searches for you, is another good way to market yourself, and quite literally, out you on the map.

This can be a great way how to market your startup business locally. The more visible you can be to your target market the better.

Social Media Marketing is another viable option to market your startup

Having social media is important, but it should run alongside a website, rather than be all that you have. Social media marketing can be powerful, but you also don’t own it. This is why it shouldn’t be your only marketing strategy to promote your startup business. 

But the reason that it can really work for you is that you can post real-time updates through things like Instagram stories, as well as using it as a way to provide customer service.

You get to follow like-minded people and businesses as well, which can help to get more awareness of your business and brand out there. When you have a solid profile set up on various social media platforms a good amount of people will follow you back. 

This can create a very highly targeted following for your startup business. With this you can utilize content marketing and drive free traffic to your website!

If you really want to expand your reach through Instagram I’d recommend checking out this Instagram marketing training I put together. 

Another great strategy for marketing your startup business is through email marketing

Unlike social media marketing email marketing is another marketing strategy that you own.  Building your email list should be another primary focus for building your startup business.

An email list can provide massive amounts of leverage. It is another effective strategy for how to market your startup business.  As you’re promoting your business through social media, and on your website you want to have lead magnets in place.

You will use these to generate targeted leads from your website visitors.

Your lead magnet should be centered around solving your target markets problems and avoiding pain points. They could even be helping them reach a goal faster.

For example if your startup business was a travel business, you may create a lead magnet around teaching people about the top credit cards to earn airline miles.

With this type of lead magnet people that opted in and filled out their information obviously want to save on travel.  so if you have a travel business where you help people save on travel, those leads would be a perfect fit.

The beauty of email marketing for promoting your startup business is you can re-market to this list

Re-marketing is a much higher level strategy you’ll start to utilize as your startup business grows.  Email marketing through an email autoresponder is one way to do this.

As you build your list through effective lead magnets, you also have the opportunity to re-market to that list.  As you create value-based content in the future, you can continue to send that out to your list.

This will help you develop more trust, rapport, and credibility with your list. This will lead to future business when timing is right for those on your list. This is why email marketing is an important aspect to Market your startup business.

If you’re new to email marketing and don’t yet have an email autoresponder setup for your business, I’d recommend getting started with Aweber. It’s a very cost-effective way to start building your email list. And it will integrate with all of the major lead generation systems.

If you’d like to get your first 30 days of a web are for free to try it out click here.

As your business continues to grow, you can eventually export this list into ad campaigns. You will use it to re-target further or even find similar people online. Again making email marketing a very powerful strategy to market your startup business.

Other tools you’ll need for marketing your startup

Another tool I’d recommend you get set up for your startup business is some sort of sales funnel system. With a sales funnel system in place you can start to automate some of the growth of your start up.

You can also in a great building your email list with sales funnels.  As you create your lead magnets and free giveaways you’ll put them inside of a sales funnel system.

If you’re just getting started in your business, you might not have the technical know how to build these sorts of pages from scratch. Thankfully there are many quality sales funnel systems out there to build your business.

One cost effective option you can use to start to build the sales funnels Clickfunnels.  If you don’t yet have an account with them you can actually get a free 14-day trial here.

With a sales funnel system, and an email autoresponder in place, you can utilize the email marketing and list building strategies I mentioned above. They are two of the best ways to market your startup online.


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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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“I help coachable and teachable professionals become Financially Free and Live Full Time!  Helping you create a better tomorrow through a better you!”

P.S. If you aren’t generating leads for your business it’s because you don’t have a system in place to do it. CLICK HERE to set up the exact system I use to Rake In Quality Targeted Leads Daily

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