Network marketing tips

Things you need to avoid while doing network marketing online

There is a right way and a wrong way to do network marketing online.

Things you need to avoid while doing network marketing online, network marketing tips, home business, online marketing, marketing online

Don’t sent your link without asking when doing network marketing online

The first thing to do when you are prospecting is to find out if someone is open before you send them a link to learn more about your business. So many people I talk with online just throw out their link immediately. This will almost never result in someone signing up in your business. If you have ever heard in your company training that you should show x number of people a day, that is true. However you should be showing people who are actually open to taking a look. You also want to be sure to show people the correct way and go through a process will duplicate and that allows people to see the full presentation for what it really is.

When you blast your link when doing network marketing online you destroy curiosity

Curiosity is what moves people and when you blast your link when you are recruiting for network marketing online, you lose all of it. Not only do you no longer have any curiosity it also shows how little you know about prospecting. I get this a lot when I am trying to help people with their business online.

Your goal should be to F.O.R.M. your prospect and get to know them and see what they might be struggling with in their life and how you can help them.  If you jump right into throwing your business at the person without knowing anything about them or if there is a need you are showing your cards to the other players in the game.

Most people’s goal is to recruit sharper people into their business. Sometimes even someone with success in the industry already. Now in my opinion, and many other successful people’s in the industry, is that you shouldn’t try and steal people from other companies, if they are happy. However if someone is open to looking at something else by all means show them what you do.

The problem comes in when you try and pitch someone who is already in a business and happy who isn’t looking to do anything else or leave where they are at. Even if someone was looking and might have considered taking a look at your business, the second you send an unsolicited link about your business, you are almost guaranteed to not recruit that person. It immediately shows your lack of knowledge on prospecting and how to actually build the business, and someone who knows what is going on, is not going to want to join with someone who doesn’t know what they are doing.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

Phone: (612) 568-2818

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P.S. If you don’t have Leads it is because you don’t have a Marketing System. This is the Attraction Marketing System that I First Learned From and Still works Today – Click Here For Instant Access! 

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