
People will work for a living, but they will die for recognition


Recognition is a key component for success in your business

People will work for a living but they will die for recognition. This is one key concept you will want to keep in mind while building a team or leading an organization. Always have in mind that you want to celebrate what you want to duplicate. When it comes to leadership always focus on empowering your team and organization to do more and be more.

With a solid recognition system in place that can really help your organization get to new heights. I’m sure most of us know the boss or leader who never talks to us or really even knows we exist until we make a mistake right? Well weather you are an up and coming leader or you have an organization already in place don’t make the mistake and be that type of leader. You can move people through fear and punishment or by encouragement and recognition. I’ve personally been on the receiving end of both and I consciously decided to only be the leader who leads with empowerment based on how it made me feel.

If you lead with fear and punishment you will only get an organization that will do what you say when you are around, but the second you leave people will do things to spite you. You want to give your employees or team a reputation to live up to. Push them with a vision of what they could be rather than a vision of fear of losing their job. Then make any type of recognition you can when your employees or team take steps in the right direction.

Also make sure you praise in public and punish in private.  When someone does something right you want everyone to know about it. If someone in your organization hits a new sales record or is constantly doing good work, let them know and let everyone else know as well. People love to be in the spot light when they are doing well, it can also help others want to do better as well so they will get recognized in the future. If it’s necessary to correct a bad behavior or discipline an employee, make sure you do it in private. Let them save face and they will be more likely to follow your criticism when you don’t embarrass them in front of everyone else.

If you focus on leading by example and empower people through recognition and encouragement you will be able to take your business or organization to new heights.  It will foster an environment of new people wanting to step up and become leaders as well as help you to build relationships with your team. You will duplicate the good parts of what your team and employees do rather than stifle their growth by leading with fear and punishment.



I would realistically look at building a successful network marketing business as a 3-5 year project to build a successful 10k a month income. Sure, some will get there faster, but the majority of people will take at least 3 years to be able to make that happen.  This means you will need to do “COLD MARKET RECRUITING” in addition to Warm Market Recruiting, AND you will need a high volume lead generating system or you wont make it very far. Network Marketing is a numbers game, and without the Numbers and Leads you have no business. If you don’t already have a High Volume Lead Generating System for Your Business….


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Mike MacDonald


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PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For ONLINE Marketing Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) 

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