Recommended ResourcesSmall Business

The Business Resources You Are Currently Missing

Running a small business is no mean feat. There are a lot of business resources you will need and it is, in fact, one of the hardest things you will ever do in your life and one of the most rewarding too. When you decide to quit the rat race and finally start your own business it is important for you to think about ways to maximize your processes to get the best out of your work. Today we are going to take a look at some of the tools which you don’t have yet for your business which can be a huge hit for productivity and success.

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A CRM system is one of the most overlooked business resources

Data is a huge part of a big business and no matter what type of industry you are in, you will likely have clients or customers whose data needs to be kept organized and in check. Some simple netsuite add ons such as a CRM system is a wonderful choice for your business because it will keep everything in one place and easy to access.

You can record when you last spoke to someone, where you are meeting someone, and also what stage of the sales funnel they are in. It will make life much easier and allow you to tailor your marketing to the right people.

Click here to learn about the CRM system I use and recommend.

A project management system is a resource for your business to keep your team on track

As well as a system for your data, another great thing to bring into the business is a project management system such as slack or basecamp.

There are lots of different ways that you can make a project management system work for you and it can keep everyone in check when working on something together. You can chat business, collaborate on documents and keep an eye on the process in the team.

Another cool feature that a project management system can do is help to gamify your business. Some personality types are very task-oriented and they love to complete goals. In a project management system like teamwork, you can assign tasks to each person and they have the ability to check them off when they are done.

Probably not as fun as playing an actual game, but every little bit helps right?

A virtual assistant could be one of your best time-saving business resources

Another one of the commonly overlooked business resources you could have is a virtual assistant. If you don’t have the money or the space to hire an assistant yet for your business, this doesn’t mean that you can’t have one.

A virtual assistant is usually a freelancer who works remotely from home and will do things such as organize files, set up meetings and keep track of your emails and calls. They can be a huge asset for a busy business owner and one you should take advantage of.

A remote working dashboard

If you also don’t have the space to hire a team of people into your office yet, a great alternative would be to hire people remotely. Hire from home and actually, this can be a better experience for both of you because you will spend less money and get more done. You can grow and expand while your workers stay in the comfort of their homes and it can be a much less stressful working environment.

A content audit database

Content marketing is something which not a lot of new businesses truly think about or take advantage of. If you want to make sure that your customers are engaging with you as a brand as well as with products, content is key.

An audit system will allow you to see what content you currently have such as social posts and articles, and it will allow you to start coming up with new ideas for engaging your audience and providing them with value.

An email autoresponder is an essential business resource

If you are sick of writing hundreds of emails a week to your clients and potential customers, an email autoresponder is a great way to save time and have massive leverage. As far as business resources are concerned an email autoresponder should be at the top of your list.

Imagine spending 10-15 minutes writing one email that goes out to hundreds of people, and could bring massive traffic to your site and generate sales within minutes. That’s the kind of thing that is possible when you master email marketing and have an email autoresponder.

You can even set up a sales funnel system in conjunction with your email autoresponder to help you generate leads, sales, and signups for your business on autopilot! If you’d like to get your first 30 days for free of an email autoresponder I recommend click here!

You might also enjoy my post here: How to grow your email list fast to make money online.

Grow your business 24/7 with a sales funnel system

I mentioned it briefly above, but a sales funnel system is another great business resource you should be using to grow your business. If passive leads and sales and bringing on new clients 24/7 are of interest to you that is…

Basically, a sales funnel system can help you to generate leads, but also guide your potential customers on a journey that can turn them from a cold lead into a warm ready to buy customer.

Timing isn’t right for each and every one of your potential customers the second they see your offers, but some of them are. So if you set it up correctly with an email autoresponder, and a sales funnel system, you can snag those people who are ready to buy but also build up a list of those who weren’t.

As these people are on your email list you can nurture the relationship with them and eventually turn them into customers when the timing is right! If you don’t yet have a sales funnel system set up and would like to learn more, check out this free 14 day trial of a system I recommend!

If you enjoyed this post, you might also enjoy my post and video below on 9 Online Marketing Investments I Wish I Made Sooner.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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