
The instant cure for worry


Stop living with worry and fear and take advantage of this instant cure for worry

“A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.” –

John Lubbock

Do you ever struggle with feelings of dread and fear and worry about an upcoming event, presentation, or situation you have to deal with in the future? Well focus on this instant cure for worry and learn how to eliminate it from your life completely. The all-around instant cure for worry is all out and immediate action. The great thing is, is that it doesn’t matter what kind of situation you have to deal with or that you are worrying about, all out immediate action is the cure.

The act of worry fixes nothing, you could spend all the effort and energy in the world on worry and it will never fix the problem or situation that you are focused on. Worry neither improves nor changes a situation, it only makes it worse. The only cure to these feelings has been and forever will be action. It could be any situation and action is the cure all to worry.

Take for example you wanted to lose weight or you are currently worried about the weight you have gained in the past few years. You could wait around and worry about how it is getting worse, avoid the scale in your home, avoid going to the gym, whatever you could imagine to prolong the fear in keep the worry in place. The other option would be to get into all out massive action to destroy and cure your worry. In the case of weight loss you could immediately look up a simple weight loss plan online, or head to YouTube and find one of the many quick and easy work out videos. You could get up off the couch and go for a walk around the block. You could throw out all of the unhealthy food in your house and immediately go to a 24 hour grocery store and buy a new set of healthy food for your home. Any one of these action steps would eliminate the fear and worry you had been focused on because you were now heading toward your goal.

Maybe you have a big presentation coming up and you are nervous about public speaking. Instead of focusing on worry you can go and practice your presentation. Do your presentation on video and watch it and see how you can do better, do this multiple times until you are satisfied and feel like you are prepared instead of feeling full of fear of doing it. Go out and get a book on public speaking or giving great presentations, read that and learn some tips and improve your presentation so you won’t be worried about it. Again the cure to worry is taking action.

Perhaps you are worried about money or not making enough in your job or business. Get out there and take action. If you are in sales and you are worried about your numbers, start making some sales calls and start making some appointments. Get into action and go get a book on sales performance or different ways to make money. Learn about how to improve your skills and become better in the area you are worried about and you will start to worry less because you are focused on action.

The mind can only hold and focus on one thing at a time. If you are focused on worry you will get more worry, if you are focused on action you will eliminate the worry because you will be focused on the task at hand. If you are focusing on how to improve things and being a solution finder your worry will go away as well. The more you try and take action or figure out ways to solve your problem the sooner your worry will go away. Make a decision to get into action and eliminate your worry with the master cure of all out massive action towards your goals.

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Mike MacDonald

Email: [email protected]

“I help people become Financially Free and Live Full Time!  Helping you create a better tomorrow through a better you!”

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