Small Business

The Start Up Shortcuts Which Will Slow Your Progress Down The Line

When you embark on small business, you take a load on your shoulders and you may be tempted into some startup shortcuts. Now more than ever, it’s important to work hard and fast to get things going.

It’s no wonder, then, that shortcuts could easily sway you off-course. After all, the faster you reach your goals, the sooner you can stop working fifteen hours days, right? A shortcut here and there surely won’t hurt when you’re putting so much effort into other aspects of your company?

Wrong. In reality, shortcuts are the false economies of the startup world. They may take out the tough parts of business. They may even lead to profit sooner. But, you can bet you’ll pay for every one somewhere down the line. To make matters worse, you may lose time as a result.

When you think about it like that, it’s worth playing the long game. That way, you ensure there’s nothing left to bite you when you do see some success. Of course, you can’t avoid these shortcuts if you don’t know what they are. That’s why we’re going to look at the three startup shortcuts business owners are tempted into.

Cutting production corners in your small business 

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Production at this stage is a pain in the backside. You’re the only behind the wheel, and it’s unlikely you have the top equipment. It’s easy to assume you’ll never make a go of things when you take two days to make one product.

So, you may start skimping on quality or finding faster ways to do things. All the better for getting more products out there. The trouble is, sending mediocre products out into the world won’t do your reputation any good.

In extreme cases, products will break and come back to you anyway. Not only will this set your reputation back, but it’ll also lead to a double workload and a longer production line.

Bypassing the legal stuff is one of the startup shortcuts to avoid

Many small business owners also make the mistake of bypassing legalities. Haven’t you got enough on your plate? Besides, surely no one will notice if you don’t have your papers in order yet? Wrong again.

Getting legality right is vital from day one. Failure to do so could see you needing to start your business from the ground up again. It could even lead to lengthy legal battles.

The sad thing is, taking care of this doesn’t even need to set you back. Companies like Go Legal Yourself offer three hour workshops for those starting a small business. For the sake of three hours, then, is it worth risking this?

Avoid Jumping the gun with employment 



Even once you’re off the ground, cutting corners on employment could halt your progress. You should never rush taking someone else on board. Instead, it’s worth hosting one or two interview sessions and offering trials.

You should also obviously check references. It may take a week or so, but it’s better than having to get rid of an incompatible team member and start the process again. Remember; slow and steady wins the small business race.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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