
Your Habits will Make You or Break you.

Your habits can either take you to the top or bring your knees begging for a way out.  Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, some people make millions in a year and others barely scrape by.  In my opinion your daily habits and disciplines will make the biggest difference in your life. Average unsuccessful people most often have an instant gratification mindset and always go with what’s the easy thing to do right now.  Successful people have a short term sacrifice for a long term gain mindset. The funny thing is that the daily habits of these two people are not all to different.  A great book the ‘Slight Edge’ by Jeff Olson, goes into great details on a view of success habits. Basically though it can come down to simple daily good choices vs simple daily bad choices, and then those results compound over time.

For example an easy habit to get into would be reading 10 pages a day of a good book in your field of business. Something that is pretty easy to do but also very easy not to do.  10 pages doesn’t seem like a whole lot but after a year it’s almost a 10-15 books, after 5 years, 60+ books! You would most definitely be an expert in your field by that point and it would start to show in the workplace as well. You could use this same idea to master almost any subject of your choosing, you could learn a new language, develop a new skill, master leadership, the list could go on and on!

The key is developing successful habits and not unsuccessful habits.  Everything in our life to this point has been a culmination of our habits. Every choice you have made up to this point has led you to where you are right now, it’s necessary to take personal responsibility for your results if you want things to change. If you want things to change for the better you need to change and get better. It starts out small like a tiny thread being strung out, but every time we do that act again another thread goes down until it’s as thick and hard as steel.  At that point it becomes hard to change our habits.  The good news is that we can change whenever we want to, it may not be easy but it will definitely be worth it.  No matter how far down the ladder of success you have fallen you can still start climbing up to the top again. If we are in sales, focus on just showing one more person a day your presentation, then you are now. Again simple to do, simple not to do, but if that only led to 1 more sale a week that’s 4 sales a month and almost 50 new sales a year. It’s obviously different for every company or profession, but imagine adding an additional 50 sales commissions to your income each year, I would bet that is a pretty big pay increase and all just from showing one extra presentation a week. You could apply the same to your presentation itself. If you got up an hour earlier each day and practiced your sales presentation or worked on overcoming objections for an hour each day that’s almost 30 hours a month of practice. With that you could become one of the top presenters and closers in your company and simply again from a easy daily habit. I would urge you to focus on making simple positive choices towards your success everyday and make successful living a habit, It can make all the difference!

Wishing you Health and Prosperity – Mike MacDonald

Twitter: @mikemacdirect

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