
3 Rules All Tech Companies Are Following Right Now

Have you ever considered starting a tech business? It may not be for everyone, but the tech industry has always been a leader amongst businesses. If innovation can be found anywhere, it is here. Where Silicon Valley leads, other companies tend to follow which is why so many CEOs are now happily rocking hoodies and jeans rather than suits and ties these days.

But the wardrobe isn’t the only area where changes are being made. The tech world is asking the questions that all businesses should be asking. What makes a product more appealing? What would persuade a customer to switch from a competitor? And, most importantly, what do customers really want?

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Image Credit: Pexels

These questions have led to some of the greatest innovations in tech and here are just 3 trends that have emerged over recent years.

Make It Smaller

One of the main trends at the moment is to make things smaller. This isn’t a trend without limits. No one wants a product so small they can’t use it! However, it is a trend that is made clear in wearables and the gradual decrease in the size of many otherwise heavy products like TVs. For all that screen sizes have grown, the size of the frame and the depth of the monitor have decreased substantially.

Of course, making things smaller has largely been facilitated by manufacturing methods that allow for much more delicate and detailed work such as laser micro-drilling. Lasers, in general, have massively improved manufacturing efficiency with greater precision and, as products get smaller, lasers are ever more in demand.

If you’re looking to start a new business with physical products, you may consider looking into some wearable technology. At the same time, the downside to this model can be that you are going to need to ship and warehouse actual products vs digital products.

This can still be profitable, but it can also add to the overheads required to run your business. If you are looking to keep your overheads low, you may consider starting an affiliate marketing business instead. Check out my Affiliate Marketing Beginners Guide to learn more.

Make It More Intuitive

Humans rely on intuition all the time and, as a consequence, there is nothing more frustrating than finding something that goes against that instinct. The easier it is to use a product, the more likely people are to come back to it again and again – and even come to rely on it! It’s no wonder that so many companies now put their design as a high priority.

Intuitive design also plays into other aspects of lifestyle. We all want technology to take a more inobtrusive role in our lives so that rather than us adapting to tech, the tech is adapting to us. In this sense, tech should be allowing us to live more authentically, fitting with our instinct rather than forcing change.

Over the years I’ve found that it’s much easier to get people to buy something that doesn’t change their lifestyle, but rather enhances it. For example, I worked in nutrition and wellness for many years. While I really enjoyed the products I promoted and knew they got great results, it was always a challenge to try and get someone to change their buying habits.

Adding in something that people didn’t know they needed or even wanted and then adding it to their expenses every month took some serious salesmanship. It’s much easier to just sell something to people that they already want and then get it to them at a price they can’t get anywhere else.

Make It Fun

If you had a choice between a fun activity and a regular activity which would you choose? Fun! We all want to enjoy ourselves more and having fun and the pursuit of pleasure is a really important part of our lives and the choices that we make. That tech companies are tapping into that is unsurprising since if they can bring us joy we are more likely to return.

But what you define as fun might be completely different. For some products, a simple stylistic makeover is all that is required to stand out. Think about hair dryers, for example. There isn’t a great deal of difference between the products but a bright color can make one model stand out from the rest. And if that’s all it takes to bring a smile to a consumer’s face – why wouldn’t you?!

Are you offering a product that is a want or a need?

Along with not trying to change people’s buying habits, focusing on offering what people want vs what they need can be another side of this concept. For example, when I marketed nutrition, I knew people needed it, but it really wasn’t a want for most people.

All things being equal, most people tend to buy what they want vs what they need. This is especially true when it comes to times when finances are tight.

How many times have you had a person you know say they were broke and couldn’t afford to get started in your business, but then you see them out blowing their money on something frivolous the very same weekend?

It’s never about the price, it’s what your potential customer sees as the value for your offer. Again most people see things that they want in a higher value than things that they need.

People often can’t afford a new iPhone, but they want it, so they buy it anyway. The same is true for the products you offer to your audience. If it’s something they want, that is fun, they are more likely to justify buying it, even if money is tight.

Regardless of the business, you should target some of your marketing strategy towards attraction marketing

All too often people start a business, whether in technology or not, and instead of marketing with attraction marketing, they are just in pitch mode instead. Unfortunately, this ends up pushing people away from your business rather than brings them in.

A much better way to market your business is through the use of attraction marketing. With attraction marketing, you lead with value that serves your target market. This means that you create content and offers that answer your target market’s questions, and help them reach their goals faster.

When you put some of this content behind a wall that requires someone to enter their name, email and phone number it is a great way to generate targeted leads for your business. If you’d like to learn more about this process of creating lead magnets I’d recommend checking out my post on lead magnets.

Also, be sure to pick up your copy of my Attraction Marketing Secrets Ebook Below!

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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P.S. If you don’t yet have an affiliate marketing business, but would like to learn how to start one and make money from home, CLICK HERE

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