Small Business

4 Tech Mistakes That Damage Business Productivity

Technology is a great asset for all businesses and if you’re not taking full advantage of it, you’re not going to be able to compete. If you implement it properly, it’s a great way to improve productivity in your company.

However, a lot of people don’t implement it properly and it can actually end up having the opposite effect. These are some of the common tech mistakes that small businesses make which can seriously damage productivity.


Not Upgrading Hardware

Buying new computers is expensive and when you’re trying to run a small business with a limited amount of capital, any large expensive should always be approached with caution.

But if you neglect to upgrade your hardware regularly, you’re just going to damage productivity. Most computers have a lifespan of about 4 or 5 years. After that, they’re going to slow right down and you won’t be able to install new software on them and run it properly.

If you leave old computers in the office beyond that, everything is going to grind to a halt and you’ll be losing money through lost productivity. It’s quite a big expense to replace them all with new computers but it’s a cost that you need to bear.

Not Setting Up Networks Properly

When you’re setting your office up and installing new software on computers etc. it’s important that you get everything set up properly. A good computer network that allows easy transfer of data between employees etc. can be a real asset.

But if it’s not set up properly, it will be more of a hindrance. That’s why it’s a good idea to get a computer network support service to help you with the initial setup. It’ll save you a lot of hassle further down the line and make sure that you’re actually getting all of the benefits of the technology that you’re paying for.

Not Keeping Track Of Data Sharing

Data breaches are a big problem for companies, especially if you’ve got sensitive customer data like credit card information. Cyber-security is important here, but you need to make sure that you’re keeping track of data sharing among your employees.

If you’ve got sensitive data on all of the computers in the office and people are taking it home and looking at it on their personal computers, you’re just increasing the chance of any breaches.

That’s why you need to have a good system in place for tracking data sharing and make sure that it’s only being accessed by people that actually need it.

Not Managing Distractions

Technology can be a great tool for working but it can also be a big distraction. If people have free access to social media and they’re always using their phones, that’s going to have a massive negative impact on productivity. It’s important that you have a phone usage policy and give clear guidelines about what sites people can use during work hours.

If you’re making any of these tech mistakes in your small business, you’re going to see a big drop in productivity.


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Mike MacDonald


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