
Where to go When Inspiration Runs Dry

When you’ve been running your own business for a while, you might find that over time you start to run a little dry for ideas. Inspiration works differently for everyone, and now we have a heap of resources at our fingertips.

(Hurrah for the internet) we can find what works for us. It might be quoted, it might be reaching out to a new mentor, it might just be a couple of tracks off a great playlist.

Some of your most inspiring moments will probably be related to the things that you enjoy in life. However, there is so much choice out there, that sometimes the overwhelm can hit hard.

Don’t be tempted to fall into the trap of copying the work of others, we’ve all experienced that at least once, sometimes even with our own staff. Sadly that is where you’re going to need someone like Ogletree Deakins Atlanta to help you out. In the meantime here are a couple of great places to seek some inspiration when you feel yourself running a little low.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Hit The Books

You can choose to browse lists like the ‘top 100 best books ever’, or ‘read these when you have time.’ Those lists can bring to your attention some brilliant authors and perspectives that you hadn’t considered before.

We quite often, get stuck reading the same genre that we know we enjoy. But, now is the perfect time to branch out.

See what other people are reading and recommending. Browse different sections in the book store. Go back in time and see what you can find that stands out to you.

If you aren’t in the mood to splash out, then get yourself a library card and go and take advantage of their selection. You may also want to check out these two posts Top 4 Personal Development Books I Recommend, and Top Online Marketing Books You Should Read

Personal development is really key to your success and can keep you inspired

Your business will only grow to the point that you do and what you feed your mind creates your reality. Having the right daily habits can make or break your success.

If you find it tough to spend time on your personal growth there is a great hack I’d recommend. It’s basically combining unproductive time with productive time. Audio books like those you can get with an Audible membership can be a great option to listen to personal development on the go.

Think of different opportunities you can have to combine unproductive time with productive time. Things like driving, working out, or if you’re a nerd like me playing video games.

Even if you aren’t 100% focused on the personal development it still sinks in. This can also help you squeeze in personal development if you feel like you just don’t have time.


Apple, Spotify and other online music streaming sites often have great playlists curated to help you get in the zone. If there are tracks from your past that you know to get you hyped up and bouncing around, then compile your own playlist.

In fact, you should probably put a few different ones together. One for playing in the background while you do the day to day work. One for when you are writing or need to concentrate, this one should have minimal lyrics if any at all (speech is distracting).

Plenty of nature noises and white noise are great.

During brainstorming sessions, or thought shower as they are now also referred to you might want something fast-paced and bouncy. Music you enjoy can make you feel better when you feel better, you are likely to be more creative.

The University of Miami found that people listening to lively happy music that they enjoyed are more likely to complete tasks quickly and came up with better ideas than those who weren’t listening to music.

Something that might even be better than listening to your favorite tracks on your own curated playlist is heading out into the word and soaking up the atmosphere from a live music gig.

Something that can’t help but be inspiring is that most musicians that are on tour, no matter how big or small, are doing it because it is something that they love. And some music, like blues or jazz, don’t quite come across as well when they aren’t live.

A string of lyrics, or maybe even a specific note might hit you hard in the heart and soul and before you know it – you know what you want to do next and how you’re going to do it.

Laughing Is Good For The Soul

If you’ve been on Netflix recently, you will have noticed a slew of great comedy – in fact, there is something for everyone. The best type of comedian is the one that comments on everyday life.

The activities we all do daily, but actually are pretty funny. Laughing naturally raises your mood, so an hour-long comedy session is bound to get you in the right mood for putting some new ideas down.

If you aren’t one for watching comedy on the couch, then again, much like the music you might like to head out to a comedy club. Hearing other people laugh can sometimes be funnier than the joke itself.

The joy people are expressing from someone’s hard work is pretty amazing. Take a friend with you.

Green Power

There is a psychological power to green. And you can soak this one up, however, works best for you. Green, is a calming color that you will now find in a lot of logos and offices. It symbolizes nature, health and is thought to lower stress.

You can put plants around your work space, not only to keep the air clean but to give you that green pop of color every time you sit down to work. You might also like to make an effort to get out into the parks, or nature reserves in your local area.

Simply walking around next to grass, trees and that fresh air can clear your mind and make space for those big ideas you are searching for. You can also do this in combination with personal growth and audio books like I mentioned earlier. 

It doesn’t happen as much in the winter, as it’s so cold here in Minnesota, but during the nicer months I routinely go on long walks almost every day. It’s maybe an hour or so long, and during that time I am able to listen to audio books. This can really get you through books fast as well as getting to enjoy some exercise and personal development.

Use this tips to keep yourself inspired and to help you take your business to the next level!

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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