Small Business

How To Adapt Quickly To Change In Business Without Stress

It can be hard to handle every little change in business, especially if it is growing quickly and becoming more and more successful. Sometimes things can’t go on as they are and you need to make some changes to your business to help it become more successful and for it to work at a smoother pace. So what changes should you be considering? Here are some of the things to think about when making changes in your business.    

Have a payroll system in place

Payroll as a department can be quite a tricky one to overcome. So you may want to start thinking about ways you can simplify it.

After all, while human error can be forgiven, when you are playing with people’s livelihoods such as their salary and pay, it can get overwhelming. A payroll software system can be an easy way to implement small changes.

As your business grows you can look at hiring someone specifically for it. When you are outsourcing tasks it can be beneficial to do so for tasks that you would never be an expert in. For example, hiring lawyers, tax accountants, graphic design, and maybe even hiring out marketing services

As entrepreneurs, it can be hard not to try and do everything yourself. Often we get stuck in the mindset of “if you want something done right, do it yourself.” While this mindset can be good for some things, it can lead to wasted time, money, and energy on tasks you aren’t good at in your business.

Keeping production lines running smooth

If you have a manufacturing side of your business, then one area of worry might be ensuring that the production line continues to move smoothly without any issues or hiccups. But there can be issues with this if parts were to malfunction or break and machines and tools couldn’t work.

Whether you need to install highly accurate pressure sensors, new parts or mechanisms, or simply input a process where they are checked regularly, it can make a big difference to stop gaps in production. 

Typically, I recommend if you are new to starting a business, instead of doing things that require manufacturing, start a digital marketing business. While a traditional business can still be profitable, it often has high overheads and it is hard to make quick changes.

A bonus of starting an online marketing business is that you can change things quickly and can adapt to the market at a faster pace. Change is a constant in business, so be prepared for it, by having an online business model, can help you grow your business faster.

CRM to help manage customers and clients

All businesses need to have some form of customers and clients. It doesn’t matter what you market and sell because people are still purchasing something or ordering a service from you.

Your clients and customers are the lifelines of your business, so managing them effectively with things such as a CRM system can be life-changing. It will enable you to keep a full record, record conversations and take notes. It can also help to improve the customer experience. 

The fortune is in the follow-up. Click To Tweet

Unfortunately, most business owners either don’t follow up at all, or they do a poor job of it. A CRM, or customer relationship management system, can help you maximize profits from the leads you generate.

Outsourcing and placing a value on your time

There is no denying that you might want to take the time to be more aware of your value in the business. It can be very tempting to want to action everything your way, but sometimes this is counterproductive.

So you may want to take some time to think about how outsourcing certain areas could free up your time to focus on the areas where you can make the most difference. 

Another tip for outsourcing is to have at least a general understanding of the thing you are outsourcing. One problem business owners can run into with outsourcing is doing it with tasks they know nothing about.

For example, you may hire a marketing agency that sounds good, but when you get down to the fine details you realize they are just doing surface-level stuff. An example would be running “like” campaigns for your Facebook page. Likes are great, but it’s only one step of the process.

If the marketing agency isn’t running retargeting ads, or turning those likes into leads, then you aren’t maximizing your marketing budget. Considering hiring a marketing agency for your business? Click here to learn more about our digital marketing services and packages.

Also, I’d recommend checking out this book Clockwork, to learn more about outsourcing effectively. Click here to pick it up on Amazon.

Recruiting right the first time: The right people can help deal with change in business

Recruitment is so important for your business that you need to ensure that you do all that you can to recruit right the first time around. This saves you the hassle and also costs.

It might mean vigorous checks or extra interviews. Maybe even having other people sit in interviews to ensure things like personalities match. It could be the small extra effort that you make that can have a big impact on the business when it comes to getting the right team in place. 

If you have a network marketing business, these strategies for team building in network marketing will help. Recruiting is more than convincing people to join your company and work with you.

When it comes to recruiting you should be sorting, not selling. Certainly, place your business in the best light it can be, but you shouldn’t be trying to convince those who aren’t a good fit and that don’t want to be there.

When you convince people and “sell” them on joining your organization, you can turn into being a babysitter, rather than a business owner.

Get the business tools to enable leverage and make a change in business

Another aspect that can help you deal with change in business, is having the right tools and systems in place. Leverage with the right marketing tools can really help you adapt to change quickly. 

Social media, for example, is always changing. One day you might have a massive following and the next your account could get shut down. This has happened to me on platforms before where I had over 200,000 followers and then nothing the next day.

Having other systems that you own in place, like an email list, email autoresponder, and a sales funnel system, can help you rebuild quickly or switch to a new platform. When I lost that huge following, for example, I was able to still reach my audience and rebuild quickly. My following on that platform is now reaching close to 30,000 followers again.

It was certainly frustrating, but when you have an asset like your email list, you can still market effectively and adapt to change in business quickly. I have other marketing friends where they lost their Facebook page messenger list of over 12,000 likes from new messenger policies.

They were doing things completely allowed for months on the platform and then one slight change to the policy of when a link can or cannot be sent via messenger and their page was shutdown.

Make sure you have assets like an email list that you own, to deal with abrupt changes that can be outside of your control. Follow the above advice and your business will be ready for change.

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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P.S. If you don’t yet have an affiliate marketing business, but you would like to start one, click here to learn how to start a home business in affiliate marketing!

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