Small Business

Four Types of People Outside of Your Team That You Need to Stay in Touch With

A lot of new business owners are very adamant about keeping an eye on their team. While It makes sense because they’re the ones that will be taking care of your business, there are definitely some other people you should connect with. Your employees probably are managing the day to day tasks and essentially running the place whenever you’re not around which makes them critical to your business success.  In fact, articles like this one from go as far as to say that employees are even more important than your paying customers.

Keeping in touch with employees, no matter if they’re working remotely or in your office, is an essential part of what it means to be a good business leader.

However, there are also a couple of people outside of your team that you should also keep in touch with and maintain good relationships with. In this article, we’re going to talk about four types of people that you should aim to make friends with that are people you should connect with.

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Source: Unsplash

1. Support representatives are essential people you should connect with

Although a small business typically won’t have access to a dedicated representative from other businesses and suppliers, if you’re ever given the opportunity to stay in touch with one then you absolutely need to take advantage of that situation.

Think of it as a way to get your foot in the door so that you can make regular contact with people in those businesses that will be crucial to the growth of your own company.

A great person to have in your back pocket is a person that is great with tech support. We’ve all been there trying to diagnose a problem on our website or something technical with one of our client’s businesses and wasted hours trying to figure something out.

You can quickly eliminate these tasks with a great technical support connection. While these things may be costly, the time you can save over trying to figure out something yourself could be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars.

2. Business lawyers

Many small businesses don’t have the funds or even the need for a permanent lawyer that works with their company. Instead, they need to rely on outsourced legal assistance whenever they encounter something that needs a legal professional to take care of.

At the same time that’s no reason not to stay in touch with those lawyers. As you get to know legal professionals, they’ll have a better understanding of you and your business, making it easier for them to do their jobs and helping you to mitigate risk.

Most business owners are too busy focused on the day to day operations and growth of their businesses rather than spending time studying business law. Likely your time is better spent that way anyway in an area you specialize in.

One of the best ways to utilize outsourcing is through hiring experts in the field to help you work on parts of your business you don’t have the skills to perform. Business lawyers are definitely one of the people you should connect with.

3.Industry specialists

Every small business works together with specialists at many different levels. It could be a company that supplies you with important machinery and equipment such as or it could be a fabric specialist that helps to supply your company with blank garments to print on.

Likely if you are in a home business it will be specialists like coaches or marketing experts. No matter what type of business you operate, there are always going to be specialists outside of your business that are integral to your production and sales process.

Making friends with these types of people is always going to be beneficial to your company and should be a priority.

Another great strategy to consider is that you don’t necessarily need to be friends with these people to learn from them or implement their skills. With how technology has advanced it is very simple to find the training online and tools to automate your business.

Many of the most successful online marketers, for example, have created courses or have written books that reveal their best secrets. I’d highly recommend learning from some of the best online marketing experts through the books I recommend in this post. 5 Online Marketing Books You Need To Read As A Business Owner

4. Budding freelancers

Freelancers are incredibly easy to find these days, but there’s always a lot of wasted time when it comes to connecting with a new freelancer that needs to understand your business, your goals and ultimately what you want from them.

That’s why working together with the same freelancers for similar tasks is ultimately the better option for a small business. Not only does it open you up to better pricing options for bulk orders, but the freelancer will appreciate the repeat business from you and they’ll get a better understanding of your business which can empower their work.

It’s almost like having a person on staff that you can reach out to when needed. Take some time and try out a few different freelancers and find one that fits best for your business and then see if they would be open to working with you on an ongoing basis.

If you’d like to learn more about outsourcing and working with freelancers, I’d recommend checking out the book Clockwork. Check out the current price over on Amazon here.

Bonus! 5. A Business Coach is one of the people you should connect with

Also, you’ll probably want to look into hiring a business coach at some point as well. Hiring a coach at different growth points in my business has time and time again, been a worthwhile investment.

Unfortunately, a lot of people that are struggling with building their business have backwards thinking with this concept. For example, most people getting poor results think that they will hire a coach or take a course once their business is already successful.

Well, I hate to be blunt, but newsflash, if you are struggling it’s because you don’t know what you are doing. The only way to figure out how to build your business effectively is to learn how from someone that already knows.

Again you could hire a coach, or you could also learn from them through their content, books, or training courses. However, while those are great resources you can tap into, it’s just not the same as actually working one on one with a coach.

That way their suggestions and guidance are specific to your business and exactly the issues you are going through. This can save you time and help you get results in your business faster.

By the way, if you’re interested in hiring a coach, you may want to learn more about my coaching program. You can even set up a free coaching session with me to see if you like it! Click here to apply for a free coaching session with me!

Also if you’d like to check out one of my free trainings on how to generate leads for your business, check out the free video below!

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

Considering Starting a Home Business? Apply For A Free Coaching Call Here
“I help coachable and teachable professionals become Financially Free and Live Full Time!  Helping you create a better tomorrow through a better you!”

P.S. If you don’t yet have a home business but are looking to start one and would like to work directly with me and my team click here to learn more. 

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