
Here’s How to Get Your Startup on Its Feet

No matter how you look at it, managing a startup is going to be a lot of work. It’s probably why you got into it in the first place, though, as the challenge is half the fun – but, as you invest an increasing amount of money, it starts to become a bit more important to succeed.

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While there is no way of guaranteeing your startup the kind of success you’re looking for, there are ways to make it a bit more likely. Here is a handful of ways to get your startup up on its feet and give it a solid foundation so that you can increase your chances of making it, in the long run.

First: Work with someone who pushes you

If you’re a one-man or one-woman show, you might want to consider finding a mentor who can give you that extra little push you need. Or a co-founder for that matter. As long as it is someone you can either be on equal terms with or slightly below, he or she will push you to become better.

The problem with being your own boss is that you don’t really have anyone who can boss you around anymore or point you in the right direction. On an everyday basis, it’s a relief, for sure, but in the long run, we’d all be better off if someone could keep parenting us a bit.

There are many ways to find mentors and coaches. They don’t always need to be coaches and mentors you work directly with. One great way to continue to learn and grow and get the motivation you need is through personal development.

If you aren’t growing you’re dying, and the success of your startup will only grow to the point that you do. Make it a priority to continue to work on yourself and improve your skillsets. If you’re looking for a good place to start, I’d recommend checking out my post on the top personal development books for entrepreneurs.

Being a successful entrepreneur means a lot of hard work. It can also mean a lot of success, though, particularly if you manage to run your business properly. Also if you are looking for more one-on-one coaching and mentorship consider my coaching program. Click here to apply for a free coaching session with me!

Next: Choose the right product or service

While we all know that we need to do a sufficient amount of research into both the product or service we’d like to deliver as well as the market, you should also make sure that the product is right for you. Is this something that you really believe in, and will you be able to improve it and tweak it for many years to come?

It’s really no point in trying to make it if you, as the owner, don’t really believe in the product or service. Make sure that this applies to everything you do business-wise. Also, you may consider getting into a franchise instead, if you think the original product or service you have won’t make it too far.

That way, you avoid investing all of your time and money into something that won’t make it. Have a look at this site on best home care franchise, by the way, to read up on the concept.

Another great option is to start a network marketing, or affiliate marketing business. With these businesses, it is simple to get your foot in the door, without dealing with product creation or many of the overheads of a franchise.

Typically these businesses take care of the logistics end of things, customer service, and even shipping and warehousing. Plus you’ll have a proven marketing system built in to help you get results!

If you’d like to learn more about starting a business like this, check out my affiliate marketing beginners guide. 

Map out your finances

Undeniably, one of the most common reasons why startups fail is because they haven’t planned out their finances properly. Having enough funds to start up is great, but it doesn’t mean that you have enough to keep it going – and your plan needs to include everything that could go wrong as well as everything that could work out.

Make sure that your credit is as good as possible so that you avoid starting out your business with a poor credit score, and try to avoid landing yourself in too much debt.

Sometimes, it’s unavoidable but you should try to have a plan that helps you out of the debt later on as well.

Follow the proven attraction marketing formula in your business

If you are really looking to get your startup in profit as quickly as possible you’ll need an effective marketing strategy in place. Building your business through this simple 3 step attraction marketing formula is the foundation of that marketing strategy.

The basis of this attraction marketing formula is to build your audience. Building up your audience has a lot of advantages. One is that it will give you more credibility.

Your message could be the exact same, but with a massive following, it has more weight to it. Also, having more of a following and list gives you the opportunity for more exposure.  When you share your content and offers more people will see it and it gives you more opportunity to bring in leads and sales.

The next step of the attraction marketing formula is to engage with your audience. All things being equal, most people tend to do business with those they know, like and trust. When you create engaging content it helps to build this relationship with your audience.

The final step in this attraction marketing formula is to sell to your audience. When you follow this 3 step process the likelihood that your audience will buy from you is greatly increased. If you’d like to learn more about this concept check out the video below and pick up a copy of my Attraction Marketing Secrets as well!

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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