Personal Development

The Reality of Time Management: Time Will Promote You or Expose You

Having the best daily habits matter more than you think. The reality is, your habits are really the only thing you can control. If you want to build a successful business or have a successful life, your daily habits will make you or break you. As the old saying goes, “time will either promote you or expose you.” In this post, you’ll learn some tips on time management and how to choose the best daily habits for success.

The myth of time management and success in business

Most business owners can obsess over time management and improving time management. The reality is that time isn’t really something you can manage, but rather you manage yourself more effectively.

The way you do this is by choosing the best daily habits and prioritize your time correctly. In business, the way to prioritize your time is based on choosing the best income-producing activities.

A great book I’d recommend checking out about time management and how to use it to your advantage is Eat That Frog, by Brian Tracy. This book really focuses on attacking your day and determining what activities are going to maximize your results in your life and business. Grab a copy of the book on Amazon here.

Having a daily method of operation that focuses on the right daily habits can make the difference between success and failure in your business.

How to avoid feeling “I’m too busy” to achieve success in your business

Your success habits and daily habits will determine your results over the long haul. Even if you feel “I’m too busy” or “I don’t have the time” it’s usually not the case.

The truth is it's never about how much time you have, it's how effective you are with your time. Click To Tweet

Successful people make the decision to make time for the things they want. Even if it’s little things, they take action steps every day towards their goals to make their dreams a reality.

Let’s say for example you wanted to work on your sales skills. You might make the excuse that you don’t have the time, but the truth is you can squeeze the time in if you had better habits.

You could start the daily habit of reading 10 pages a day of a sales training book. Another thing you could do is listen to 15 minutes of a sales training CD while you are driving.

Maximizing your time with multitasking effectively

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and those that are the most successful can attribute it to their daily habits. Successful business owners don’t buy into the excuse “I don’t have the time.”  There are plenty of things you can multitask that don’t negatively affect the other whatsoever.

That time is going to pass anyway but what it comes down to is are you going to choose success habits, or just keep doing what you have been. If you aren’t happy with your current results, it might be time to make some changes to your habits.

There are plenty of areas you could do this time management technique of turning unproductive time into productive time. One of my favorite methods of time management is getting more done in less time by multitasking effectively. For example, you might listen to training or have a YouTube video on business development when you are cooking or doing chores.

Another great example that I recommend is listening to personal development while at the gym. If you don’t already have it, you might want to check out an Audible membership. It’s a cost-effective way to download the best personal development books and maximize your time while doing other things. Click here to get an Audible membership for free!

I’m a big nerd so I like to play video games while going through online courses or while listening to audio books. There isn’t a rule that you can’t do fun things while you are incorporating your success habits. Get creative and it will be a lot easier than you think to have great time management and reach the success you are looking for.

The compound effect of daily habits

The best daily habits are simple things to do but also simple not to do. However, when you compound the action over time it will create big results, good or bad.

This is why time will either promote you or expose you. Choosing the wrong daily habits now might not make that much of a difference, but when you consistently choose poorly day after day, it can make a huge impact.

This isn’t business-related but take, for example, eating fast food. Eating fast food every now and then is something that we know is bad for us, but likely won’t be the end of the world if eaten in moderation or sparingly.

However, if you ate fast food every single day or for every meal, it would have a dramatically negative impact on your health. The movie Super Size Me played this scenario out and the guy who ate fast food every meal ended up developing many health issues.

In business, the negative consequences of poor daily habits and time management start to appear over the long-term. A couple of really helpful books  I’d recommend on these subjects are The Slight Edge and The Compound Effect.

What are the best daily habits you should have in business to optimize your time management

A few of the best daily habits you should have to grow your business should revolve around sales and building a content marketing system. A focus on sales is important because that will improve your bottom line.

You could set up a daily habit and prioritize your time around doing X number of sales calls each day. Another habit worth getting into is setting a daily goal of how many new potential clients you prospect.

Success in business is a numbers game and when you use the law of averages to your advantage as a part of your daily habits, it’s almost a guarantee for success. A method of increasing the numbers you can go through is by having a steady flow of quality leads for your business.

Focusing a part of each day on content marketing can be a means of increasing your passive lead flow. I look at each time you put out a piece of content, it is like a billboard on the side of the highway people can be exposed to your business.

The more content the more chances people can see you and the more opportunities you have to make sales. The beauty of developing a content marketing system is that it can work to grow your business 24/7. This is why content marketing focused on evergreen content like blogging, should be a part of your daily habits as a business owner.

Focus on these time management tips and time will promote you rather than expose you!

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

“I help business owners scale their businesses and generate more quality leads with paid advertising and automated marketing strategies”

PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For ONLINE Marketing Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads)

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