
No One Likes A Know It All, Especially Not In Business

To start a business, you need a fair amount of confidence in yourself and your abilities. You’d never be able to get a product off the ground if you didn’t believe you could make it. Instead, you’d spend all your time trying to perfect something which never came to anything. The fact that you’re here today with a business behind you suggests that you’ve got what it takes. It also indicates that you know that you do.


Good for you. Self-belief is underrated, and there’s nothing wrong with trusting in your abilities. You’ve always worked hard; why should you pretend otherwise?

Still, it is possible to go too far with this whole business confidence boost. While you needed self-belief to get going, there comes a time when it helps to sit back and accept that you don’t know it all. No one likes a know it all, after all, not least in business. Run your mouth off too much in these early days, and you could soon let yourself down in the following ways.

You make enemies

As we’ve mentioned, no one likes a know it all. If you come strutting into the business stratosphere, it won’t take you very long to land in people’s bad books. And, when that happens, you’re sure going to know about it.

I ran into an example of this a few days ago on Instagram. I had a new follower message me something along the line of if you want to start a real business send me a message. This was probably an attempt to gain posture, but in reality, it was more of an insult.

I could clearly tell this was a newbie trying to impress me, but in reality, instead of being impressive they just lost all credibility with me.

Fake posture is one symptom of trying to be a know it all in business. It’s one thing to have posture because you actually have experience and results, but if you are trying to appear confident by being condescending that is the wrong approach.

Despite how it might look from the outside, the business world is pretty small. The important people tend to talk to each other. If you make one enemy along the way, then, you may find a big deal going sour on you down the line. Instead, be more modest. Accept your position low down in your industry, and don’t try to act better than you are.

Instead of trying to be impressive, simply lead with value and you will attract people to you, regardless of how much success you currently have. Learn more about how to get leads and sales coming to you in my Free Attraction Marketing Secrets Ebook!

don't be a know it all, know it all, being a know it all, business tips, business ideas, success in business,

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You do things wrong

Assuming you know it all can also lead to you doing things wrong. The harsh fact is that, in these early days, you don’t know everything. There’s plenty which will be new to you, but how are you going to realize that if you keep assuming otherwise? Instead, accept that talented or not; you’re new to this whole business thing.

There’s a load you don’t know which you could learn from and other small business advisors like them. But, only if you’re wise enough to realize and accept that gaps in your knowledge straight off.

Otherwise, you’re going to make a whole load of mistakes straight away which could spell the end. Your business will only grow to the point that you do, so make sure you are focused on continuous improvement. 

The more you can develop your marketing skills, people skills, and leadership skills, the more successful your business will become. I’d recommend checking out a couple of my other posts on Personal Development Books I Recommend and Online Marketing Books I Recommend.

You don’t use the resources available

Know it all business people don’t like to accept resources from any outside companies. They convince themselves that they’ve got things under control and that’s that.

In the meantime, they entirely miss the fact that options like outsourcing could help their business no end. And, their products suffer as a result. Don’t make that mistake.

Realize that, sometimes, there’s an outside option for help which can do that job more efficiently. If it helps, consider that you may know how to do these things, it’s just someone else knows how to do them better.

I definitely struggled with the idea of outsourcing in my business as well, but it can be a way to rapidly increase the growth of your business. If you’d like to learn more about outsourcing check out the video below and this book Clockwork!

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Mike MacDonald


Email: [email protected]

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P.S. Want to ATTRACT MORE LEADS & MAKE MORE SALES in YOUR Business? Download My FREE 37-Page E-Book Exposes The ‘Marketing Framework’ To Attract A Never-Ending Flood of BUYERS for ANY Business FastGET INSTANT ACCESS HERE

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